One in Five Young Americans Has a POSITIVE View of Bin Laden, and It’s Surprising the Percentage Isn’t Higher

What would happen if the educational system of a large, highly developed superpower were turned over for half a century to the mortal enemies of everything that nation stood for? This isn’t rocket science. The obvious result would be that a generation (or more) of young people would grow up loving that nation’s enemies and hating its heroes. And here we are.


CHILLING VIDEO: Osama bin Laden’s son threat to the West, ‘we live for jihad,’ go for ‘the jugular of the enemy’

It was never about Osama Bin Laden or Khalid Sheik Muhammad or Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi or any of the thousands of devout Muslim militias, terror groups or the millions of Muslims who support jihad. It’s not about any one man or any one Islamic group. It’s Islam. Period. And until we get a grip on that, the West will continue to lose this war on our freedoms.

Geller Report