Netherlands: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” and brandishing a knife runs at police, terrifies shoppers

One eye-witness said: ‘About every person on the planet is shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ nowadays.’ Yes, and there will be many, many more, too. They’re just getting started. [the_ad id=”80890″] “Police shoot and arrest knifeman screaming ‘Allah Akbar’ at shoppers in Dutch town,” by Patrick Lion, Mailonline, 10 August 2016 (thanks to Christian): Police officers were…


80% of young Muslims in Netherlands see nothing wrong with jihad against unbelievers

I submit to you that the number is probably quite near that for the global Muslim community (the ummah).  According to a pew poll, 75% of Muslims worldwide want sharia for the family issues including divorce and property disputes. 75% also want amputation and death for apostates in places like South Asia. 94% of Muslims…

Netherlands: 14-year-old Muslim makes video supporting Islamic State and threatening to behead Jews

Europe is descending into madness…again. Even the Nazis weren’t this overt, and look what they accomplished. These savages have big plans for everyone, not just the Jews. Don’t kid yourself. “Dutch Pupil Threatens Beheading of Jews,” Bad News from the Netherlands, September 28, 2014 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): A 14-year-old Muslim pupil at…

Geller Report