“Muslims ‘Hurt’ by AFDI Ads”

Headline:  “Muslims ‘hurt’ by new SEPTA ads.” That’s what passes for journalism these days. Muslims should be hurt by the chaos their devout are causing in Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Congo, the Central African Republic, Iraq, Syria, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, et al. Muslims should be “hurt” by the creed apartheid, gender apartheid, Islamic Jew-hatred, misogyny, etc….

The Independent UK: “Outcry in San Francisco over anti-Muslim Nazi adverts protected by freedom of speech”

The headline should be, “Outcry in San Francisco over the Islamic Jew-hatred in the Quran.” But our ads are getting worldwide exposure, and that’s a great thing. People do not understand that the jihad against the Jews is a religious imperative. The ads work. Contribute here. “Outcry in San Francisco over anti-Muslim Nazi adverts protected…

Geller Report