Muslim ‘Refugee’ Serial SEX ATTACKER – REPEATEDLY RAPES, Douses Woman with Lighter Fluid, NO DEPORTATION

This Muslim “refugee” made her walk on all fours like a dog, repeatedly raped and terrorized this young woman, and after he was through, doused her with lighter fluid, saying, “You can receive SEK 10,000 if you follow me home and I get to f*ck you all day.”  Sweden’s sex slave stipend. The 34-year-old Muslim…


Germany’s new normal: “People can’t leave their homes” “Migrants go into churches to disrupt service. They walk in and start to riot.”

Media and political elites continue to spin the catastrophic invasion of Europe as some “humanitarian” movement, summarily ignoring the grave consequences of the hijrah (immigration jihad). Only a handful of news sites (like this one) are reporting on the true nature of invasion, getting the real news from the true victims — the besieged Europeans…

Geller Report