Court hearing AFDI’s ads against “honour killings” banned from Canada buses

[the_ad id=”81586″] Busy days for AFDI in the court. Today, the Boston jihadi who plotted to behead me pleaded guilty for terror-related crimes, and tomorrow we are in court in Canada to fight Edmonton Transit Services for their removal  of our bus ads showing photos of Aqsa Parvez and six other women who were honor-killed….


Honor killing in India: Muslim mother kills 17-year-old daughter for relationship with Hindu

Honor killings and honor violence are escalating here and abroad. The problem is that we can’t talk about the problem. Anyone who dares to do so is immediately vilified as a racist-islamofauxbic-antimuslim-bigot. Yet over 91% of honor killings worldwide are Islamic. According to the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, “In the name of preserving…


Muslim kills wife over HONOR in Pakistan

Honor killings and honor violence are escalating here and abroad. The problem is that we can’t talk about the problem. Anyone who dares to do so is immediately vilified as a racist-islamofauxbic-antimuslim-bigot. Yet over 91% of honor killings worldwide are Islamic. According to the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, “In the name of preserving…


Honor Killing: Syrian Gang Rape Victim Murdered in Germany by Her Family

“I am awaiting death. But I am too young to die.” “The horrifying story of an ‘honor killing’ in Germany spotlights the sheer madness of importing millions of unvetted, unassimilated migrants.” That is absolutely true — and the story of Rokstan M. is particularly horrific. A victim of gang rape,”she strongly suspected her family wanted…


Pamela Geller, WND Column: Michelle O. ‘sees herself’ in British Muslim women

My column this week expands on my thoughts on Michelle Obama’s bizarre and moronic remarks to British Muslim girls last week: DEFENDING THE WEST Michelle O. ‘sees herself’ in British Muslim women Exclusive: Pamela Geller examines ‘extremely odd’ statements by first lady Michelle Obama recently visited the U.K., where, according to The Mirror, she “compared…


New Jersey: Muslim who arranged wife’s murder & blamed Islamophobes gets life sentence

This mirrors the honor killing of Shaima Alawadi in California. Her family blamed “islamophobes” as well, and had law enforcement chasing their tails looking for fictional  “haters” and anti-Muslim bigots. Reza Aslan ran this tweet at the time. Her husband did it, of course. “New Jersey: Muslim who arranged wife’s murder & blamed Islamophobes, gets…


Pakistan: 933 killed ‘for honour’ in two years

Honor killings and honor violence are escalating here and abroad. The problem is that we can’t talk about the problem. Anyone who does is denounced as an “Islamophobe,” since over 91% of honor killings worldwide are Islamic. According to the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, “In the name of preserving family ‘honor,’ women and…


UAE: Muslim husband murders wife with help of son

Why only five years for murder? Probably because it was an honor killing. Many Muslim countries, including “moderate” Jordan, have substantially reduced penalties for honor murders as opposed to other murders. A man who kills his wife or daughter for honor gets a slap on the wrist. And the son’s participation is sadly typical. Aqsa…

Honor Killing in Dearborn: Muslim Tortures and Stabs His Sister Mulitple Times

Dearborn’s police chief Ron Haddad is already scrubbing the honor motive saying it was a “domestic violence incident that escalated”- much the way Haddad and his police department did with the honor murder of Jessica Mokdad whose own best friend said Jessica lived in fear of an Islamic honor murder. The Dearborn police department is currently being sued for covering up honor killings in the heavily populated Muslim area.


Pamela Geller, Breitbart: “In Canada, Defending Girls from Islamic Honor Killings Is ‘Racist'”

I will be appearing on Ezra Levant’s show “The Source” on SUN TV and Straight Talk with Jerry Agar on the same network today to discuss the lawsuit we filed against Edmonton in Canada for taking our ads after a handful of Muslims complained. Here is my affidavit. The ad was designed to provide Muslim…


California: Muslim Husband Gets 25 years for Wife’s Honor Killing in Case First Blamed on “Hate Crime” and “Islamophobes” Causing US Muslim Hysteria

Shaima and Kassim married in a refugee camp in Saudi Arabia in 1991, according to testimony. She was 11 or 12; he was 28 or 29. Kassim Alhimidi was convicted of beating his wife Shaima Alawdi to death and sentenced to 25 years to life. It wasn’t just another horrible honor killing. It was much…

Pakistan: Brothers Torture Sister and Stab Her Husband To Death Because She Married Him Without Family’s Consent

Honor killings and honor violence are escalating here and abroad. The problem is that we can’t talk about the problem. Anyone who does is denounced as an “Islamophobe,” since over 91% of honor killings worldwide are Islamic. According to the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, “In the name of preserving family ‘honor,’ women and…

Honor killing in Scotland: Muslim burns ex-wife to death for being “too Westernised,” twin daughters: “We had an hour to say goodbye. She was so badly burned we were told we couldn’t look at her face.”

Horrific: CCTV footage from the attack shows the killer running from his ex-wife’s salon covered in flames Over 90% of honor killings worldwide are Islamic, but we are not allowed to discuss such things lest we be made to wear the scarlet letter “I” (Islamophobe). Honor killings receive lenient sentences (and sometimes none at all)…


Islamic honor killing in Pakistan: Woman stoned to death by her family for marrying man she loved

Honor killings and honor violence are escalating here and abroad. The problem is that we can’t talk about the problem, as evidenced by the controversy that Hamas-CAIR whipped up over the documentary here in the States, “Honor Diaries.” Over 91% of honor killings worldwide are Islamic. According to the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights,…

Woman brutally killed over love marriage in Pakistan

Honor killings and honor violence are escalating here and abroad. The problem is that we can’t talk about the problem, as evidenced by the controversy that Hamas-CAIR whipped up over the documentary here in the States, “Honor Diaries.” Over 91% of honor killings worldwide are Islamic. According to the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights,…

Islamic Honor: Muslim kills sister for speaking on phone with a man

Over 91% of honor killings worldwide are Islamic.

According to the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, “In the name of preserving family ‘honor,’ women and girls are shot, stoned, burned, buried alive, strangled, smothered and knifed to death with horrifying regularity.” Between 5,000 and 20,000 so-called honor killings are committed each year, based on long-held beliefs that any female who commits — or is suspected of committing — an “immoral” act should be killed to “restore honor” to her family.

But of course that number is far higher.

UK Honor Violence: Muslim arrested after ‘stabbing mother and two sisters’ in in horror movie knife rampage

A drama of unimaginable horror unfolded on a quiet residential street in Birmingham when a teenage boy allegedly launched a frenzied knife attack on his mother and two sisters, leaving all three with multiple wounds.

Shocked neighbours described the scene in Small Heath as ‘like something out of a horror film’, with one claiming to have seen part of the attack on his CCTV system.

He watched as one girl, just 10 years old, was dragged in a headlock into the street and stabbed multiple times in the upper body and neck. She then tried to crawl to a neighbour’s house for help, he said.

Victory! AFDI Freedom Campaign Hits Tampa Buses, Countering Hamas-CAIR Propaganda

Our pro-freedom ads went up in Tampa this week. The honor killing ad features heart-rending photos of girls who have been murdered in honor killings, and offers help to girls who are threatened. It is part of our ongoing campaign to raise awareness and bring a stop to the phenomenon of honor killing. These girls have rights, too, they’re human beings, and yet they’re completely forgotten in our politically correct culture. We’re standing for the human rights of these girls.


Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: “The Islamization of America in 2013”

Do not miss my lengthy piece at Breitbart. It is a must-read: “The Islamization of America in 2013,”  By Pamela Geller, Breitbart News Pamela Geller The Islamization of America in 2013 Since I wrote my book Stop the Islamization of America and established the Stop Islamization of America initiative of my organization, the American Freedom…


Arizona Islamic Honor Beating Now Tied to Whole family, Not Just Muslim Mom

UPDATE: They are taking the video down everywhere (see youtube video under this one). They have moved into "protect Islam" mode. I will keep uploading it. Send it around ================================================================ Last week I reported on the Muslim mom in Arizona who was arrested for 'honor' beating her daughter and  padlocking her to a bed in…


“Palestinian” Authority gives pardons or suspended sentences for honor murders

Join us for the Jessica Mokdad Human Rights Conference on April 29th in Dearborn, Michigan to educate non-Muslims and Muslims of conscience on the gendercide, gender apartheid, subjugation and oppression of women under Islamic law. Do it for your daughters, wives, sisters and neighbors silently suffering in devout Muslim households. Email me to register, we…


VIDEO: Pamela Geller on SUN TV Discussing Islamic Honor Killings on
The Michael Coren Show

Popular talk show host and bestselling author Michael Coren had me on his television show today. Michael Coren will be speaking at our first-ever human rights conference dedicated to exposing the plight of women under Islamic law in Dearborn, Michigan on the anniversary of the honor murder of Jessica Mokdad. This monstrous practice is on…

Geller Report