Another Michigan doctor and his wife charged with performing female genital mutilations on minors as young as six

We had to get out from under the boot of sharia supporter President Obama to get justice for these girls. We can attribute this to the Trump effect. This is the second FGM doctor arrest this week. Obviously these Muslim doctors skipped the part about the Hippocratic Oath. Perhaps that’s because of hakimiyyah – the principle of Allah’s exclusive power and right to govern, legislate, and pass judgement.


Facebook page promotes sexual benefits of Islamic female genital mutilation

Female genital mutilation (FGM) or clitoridectomy is an Islamic tradition, rampant in the Muslim world.  Dissemblers and deceivers claim that FGM is cultural phenomenon, not religious. FGM is an Islamic cultural phenomenon. FGM is found only within and adjacent to Muslim communities (source: Gerry Mackie, “Ending Footbinding and Infibulation: A Convention Account”, American Sociological Review,…


Muslim Immigration Puts Half a Million U.S. Girls at Risk of Genital Mutilation

Female genital mutilation (FGM) or clitoridectomy is an Islamic tradition, rampant in the Muslim world. Over 96% of the women in Egypt have been clitoridectomized. Back in 2008, devout members of the Egyptian parliament have made female genital mutilation (circumcision) legal again in Egypt.  With the advent of increased Muslim immigration, this has become a…


Report: Immigration Increases Female Genital Mutilation Among American Girls

More of the poison fruit of Islam in America. A couple of years ago, the American Academy of Pediatrics advocated that American doctors be allowed to stick girls’ clitorises with a needle, so as to satisfy Muslim families’ demand for female genital mutilation: “It might be more effective if federal and state laws enabled pediatricians…


Watch VIDEO FGM *GRAPHIC* 10-year-old Muslim girl vaginally mutilated by [hygienic] barber

Mürteza Aksoylu (translation) Female circumcision is applied in most countries is dominated by Islamic Shariah laws. What do you think of this female circumcision done by leaning on the Hadith? Post by Mürteza Aksoylu. (thanks to Larry E) Her severed clitoris is tied to her wrist. Female genital mutilation is rampant in the Muslim world….

Egypt’s first female genital mutilation trial ends in not guilty verdict

Were you expecting anything else? 96% of the girls in Egypt have been clitoridectomized. The doctor was also a local Islamic preacher (and apparently a “misunderstander” of Islam), and still the islamophiliac Guardian insists on bringing up something in line with the usual mantra of “it-has-nothing-to-do-with-Islam.” “Circumcision is obligatory (O: for both men and women)….


New York City: Muslim genitally mutilates wife after raping her

Female genital mutilation (FGM) or clitoridectomy is an Islamic tradition, rampant in the Muslim world. These news reports never mention female genital mutilation’s justification in Islamic law, always painting it as  a cultural practice. “Circumcision is obligatory (for every male and female) (by cutting off the piece of skin on the glans of the penis…

Geller Report