Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: The West Has Lost the Will to Live

Please read this and send it around. Nothing will change until we change our philosophy and ideas and educate everyone in our sphere of influence. We cannot allow the left to exploit our passivity to maintain this choke-hold on power. Geller: The West Has Lost the Will to Live By Pamela Geller, November 15, 2015…

PHOTOS: Churches in Syria in Ruins — Desecrated, Icons and Statues Smashed‏‎

While the non-Muslim world (Dar al-Harb — “House of War” or Dar al-Garb — “House of the West”) is constantly being schooled and berated with more calls for “tolerance,” “mutual understanding,” “inter-faith dialogue” and various forms of kitman and taqiyya, the Islamic war against non-Muslims escalates. Where are the Muslim groups condemning this? Where are the calls to expunge the quran and Islamic texts and teachings that command such destruction and slaughter?

Geller Report