Thanks, Joe! Iran Tries to Make Good On Its ‘Death to Israel’ Chant, As Biden Protects It Again

Now the proxy war that the Islamic Republic of Iran has been fighting against the state of Israel is out in the open, as Iran rained rockets and drones upon Israel Saturday night. The attack had little effect, but as events unfold, however, one overarching fact remains paramount: none of this would be happening if it weren’t for Old Joe Biden’s determination to appease and enable the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Biden Tells Netanyahu They’re Going to Have to Have a ‘Come to Jesus’ Meeting

A calculated insult to a Jewish man with whom Biden has been publicly at odds. To put into perspective how odd this is, imagine if Trump had told Netanyahu that they had to have a “come to Jesus meeting,” or made the sign of the cross while sitting right next to him.

Note also that Biden didn’t make the sign of the cross when he met with his friend Mahmoud Abbas, or tell him that they had to have a “come to Jesus meeting.” What’s more, Biden has made the sign of the cross more than once in the context of denouncing his enemies.


Is the Settlers’ Movement Right to Feel Deceived by Netanyahu? (Part 1)

The Israeli settlers’ movement is angry with Prime Minister Minister Netanyahu, who, they believe, had deceived them into thinking he would extend Israeli sovereignty over part, or even all, of the West Bank. But now he has agreed “to suspend” any such move, in order to make possible the UAE-Israel agreement to normalize relations. For…


Is the Settlers’ Movement Right to Feel Deceived by Netanyahu? (Part 2)

More from the article in Israel Hayom on settlers’ mistrust of Netanyahu: Polls have shown wide support in Israel for the UAE deal. But the ideological settler leadership has significant political clout, and has long been a bastion of Netanyahu’s support. Aware that he might lose their backing to parties even more hawkish than his own,…


At 70 years old, Israel is a triumph

The world should be standing in respect, admiration, and appreciation for the state of Israel. The reason is that despite being surrounded by barbaric nations that are hell-bent on its destruction, no nation has accomplished more in such a short time. A mere 70 years.


Netanyahu rebukes Jews who whitewash Qatar

In the same way that we hold Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas accountable for funding terrorism, we should be no more tolerant of the emir of Qatar’s payments to Hamas, which allow Hamas to engage in acts of terrorism against Israel and Americans.


Judenrat: Kapo Democrat lawmakers threaten to stop supporting Israel over the Western Wall law

The Judenrat strike again.Democrat Jews. Where do these rogue “Jews” get off telling Israel what can or cannot do? They want Israel to lose her religion. What good could that possibly do except weaken our people. Why don’t these lawmakers concerned with “pluralism” and “equality” make these demands on sharia, the most brutal and extreme ideology on the face of the earth. Why make an issue where there is none? Why don’t these lawmakers concerned with “pluralism” and “equality” make demands for equality and pluralism in Muslim countries. Why don’t these lawmakers concerned with “pluralism” and “equality” demand Islam be expunged of Islamic Jew-hatred, creed apartheid, gender apartheid and the status of minorities of Islamic rule?


The “Palestinian People” Or, The Birth Of A Nation?

Even some Israelis have sought to minimize the role of Islam in the war being made against their country. For many Israelis were eager to believe — who can blame them? — that their war of self-defense against the Arabs did not have to be forever, that the enmity might end if Israel would only show itself amenable to a territorial compromise, and relinquish territory it had won in the Six-Day War. The alternative, that the war against Israel was a Jihad that had no end, was for many Israelis — and still is, for some on the left — too painful to contemplate.


Jewicidal ADL attacks Netanyahu’s condemnation of PA Jew-free state demand

Long time Atlas readers are well educated in the vicious, duplicitous anti-Jewish leadership of the ADL. The ADL has attacked me vociferous over the years for my pro-Israel ads, my zionism and my defense of Jews. They are the head kapos of an increasingly anti-Jewish American disapora led by leftist elites. Here is their Striecher-like…


Netanyahu Under Fire for Telling Truth About Mufti’s Role in Holocaust

Netanyahu was right, and it is good to see that he is not backing down. He called the criticism of his remarks “absurd,” which it is: he’s now a Holocaust denier because he noted the Mufti of Jerusalem’s role in the Holocaust? Prof. Moshe Zimmermann teaches at Hebrew University, but clearly he can’t think straight….

Geller Report