Tennessee Jihad Mass-Murderer Followed American Imam Anwar Awlaki

In a few pages of rambling notes being pored over by the F.B.I., Mr. Abdulazeez wrote about suicide and martyrdom as long ago as 2013, a senior United States intelligence official said. The media is in full spin as to the motive behind the Chattanooga jihad. The lies the family is serving up are readily…

Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: Virginia State Legislature Commends Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque with Terror Links

The Virginia State Legislature this month passed a joint resolution Commending the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center on the 30th anniversary of its founding. This is the mosque that the Treasury Department’s Enforcement Communications System (TECS) says is “operating as a front for Hamas operatives in U.S.” and “is associated with Islamic extremists.”

Geller Report