Silencing/ Starving Out the Opposition: The Demonetization of YouTube, Google Ads is Fast Underway; Dissidents Will Be Silenced

I can tell you first hand that is happening. It is happening to me on Youtube and google adsense and on Facebook. Facebook, where I have over 800K followers, has made sharing my posts almost impossible. These left-wing behemoths mean to strangle and starve us out while left wing smear machines (aka think tanks) are funded by Soros and in many cases, the US government.

Facebook, where I have over 800K followers, has made sharing my posts almost impossible.


Sharia at Youtube: Blocks Palestinian Media Watch Video

Here again we see the intellectual disconnect between message and messenger. Just as I am vilified and demonized for my ads exposing actual quotes and texts and teachings of Islam, Palestinian Media Watch does not promote hate speech, but exposes it. Even quisling Jewish groups like the defamatory ADL accuse me of  “consistently vilifying the…


Dhimmitube: YouTube Freezes PMW for Showing ‘Palestinian’ Mufti’s Speech that Muslims’ destiny is to Kill Jews

Here is the video that got PMW suspended. I have often said, "Truth is the new hate speech." And here it is. There is a concerted and deliberate effort by the left and their useful idiots to keep the people uninformed and/or misinformed. Your ability to deduce and make informed decisions based on objective reality…

Geller Report