Giulio Meotti : Putin’s Russia claims the role of defender of Christians under Islam

“For a long time, we’ve been saying that Christians in the Middle East needed a protector,” the Canadian philosopher Mathieu Bock-Côté wrote in Le Figaro. “This has never been truer. But who is willing to play that role? France was, for many years. Over the past few years, Putin’s Russia has claimed that role, as if it was being called to take over as Europe renounces its Christian origins.”


VIDEO: Russia subway massive bombing: At least 10 reported dead

Shrapnel bombings, designed to cause untold pain and suffering – timed on the day Putin was in town.

Usually comprised of nails, ball bearings, needles or other small metal objects tearing through human flesh, these shards are the leading cause of death and injury following the explosion of a shrapnel bomb. At least 10 people were killed and dozens injured Monday after an explosion rocked the subway system in the Russian city of St. Petersburg, Russian officials said, in what President Vladimir Putin called a possible act of terror.


Russia bans Soros Foundation as ‘threat to Russian national security’

Russia is not alone. Hungary, too. Prime Minister Orban has publicly blasted Soros for the funding and promotion of the Muslim invasion of Europe. Everybody knows …… countries with sense are banning the black hand, here in the US — he’s the puppet master behind the plant in the White House. I wrote extensively about…


Obama’s “Most Trusted” “Favorite” Foreign Leader Erdogan: “Can’t Condemn” ISIS Downing of Passenger Plane

President Erdogan is President Obama’s most trusted and favorite foreign leader. Show me your friends and I will show you who you are. Turkish President Erdoğan: I can’t condemn the Islamic State for shooting down the Russian airplane as it is the natural outcome of Putin’s support for Assad,” AWD News, November 1, 2015, (thanks…


Obama cancels oil and natural-gas lease sales in the Arctic, cedes Arctic to Putin

This story is related to this eye-opening piece about how Moscow is using Obama’s disastrous post-American foreign policy to batter American credibility abroad. Obama has presided over a decline in American power and prestige that could not have been anything but deliberate. I warned that this was coming in my book about Obama, The Post-American…


Putin to those who supported “Arab Spring” in Middle East: “Do you realize what you have done?”

Not only have delusional Western leaders not realized what they’ve done, Obama was  boasting about his Libya success in his UN speech today. Libya is nothing short of a spectacular failure –it’s in utter chaos. Libya has degenerated into bloody jihad war. The Prime Minister fled the country last year. Ironically enough, while Obama was bragging…

After Obama Abandons Missile Defense in Poland: Russia War Games a Nuclear Attack on Poland

Obama Officially Abandons Our Allies on Missile Defense in Europe … Russia starts war gaming.Obama scrapped the missile defense shield program in Eastern Europe. "It represents the appalling appeasement of Russian aggression and a willingness to sacrifice American allies on the altar of political expediency." I can't help but repeat, yet again, Victor Davis Hanson's…

Kosovo Connection to the Georgian conflict

For those readers interested in getting a better understanding of the Kosovo connection to the South Ossetia conflict and others like it that will follow like dominos if Kosovo independence continues apace, Julia Gorin offers three illuminating blog posts (one long and the other two short): Albanian Love Gets More Expensive: Toll Booth, Georgia “Munich”…

Iran fails to show up at nuclear meeting: IAEA

  An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. — Winston Churchill An Iranian delegation didn’t show up on Thursday for a meeting with the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, “The fact that the Iranians are successful time after time in getting away from international pressure … encourages…

Geller Report