Our Oil Money Goes to Saudi Arabia to Fund Jihad Terrorism In Europe

The candid truth about the admitted prosperity that the Albanians experienced under the Serbian rule (before the Clinton Administration interference in 1998-1999) is emerging even from the old enemy of Serbia, the New York Times newspaper!


Florida Imam: Only way to defeat Israel is do what Omar ibn Al-Khattab did, send “the companions and the army, thousand after thousand, and they sacrificed and they were martyred, in order to liberate it”

The poison spewed from imams and Muslim leaders in mosques across America (and the world) is met with …. a shrug. Incitement to violence and murder is protected as religious speech. But look sideways at a hijab, and you’ll make the morning papers.


Another U.S. Imam incites to violence against the Jews

There is little difference between the norming of Islamic Jew-hatred and that of of the Nazis in the 1930s. Nothing in the mainstream press about it. No apoplectic pundits and commentators on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, waving a finger about it on the Sunday morning shows. On the contrary, daily bleating about “islamophobia” is the cultural order of the day. Again, eerily similar to the tactics of the Nazis as well.

These are dark days in America.


ANOTHER Imam, this time North Carolina, calls for slaughter of the Jews

The ‘kill-the-Jews’ imams in Texas, California and New Jersey have not been fired. It is astonishing. All of these imams cite Quran chapter and verse. Thousands of imams across the world, millions of believers believe their gate and bloodlust to be righteous because it’s in the Quran. When is the West going to finally come to terms with that? How many have to die?


FATWA: NJ Senator Cory Booker gets DEATH THREATS after he slams ‘repugnant’ call for killing of Jews by imam of Jersey City mosque

Newark police have deployed extra security to protect Sen. Cory Booker in response to death threats.
NJ Senator Cory Booker had slammed the ‘repugnant’ call for killing of Jews by Imam of Jersey City Mosque. In his letter to Ahmed Shedeed — the president of the Islamic Center of Jersey City, Booker excoriated Elkasaby’s remarks as “repugnant,” “dangerous,” and “unconscionable.” Death threats followed, a fatwa in my opinion.


New York City subway jihad bomber is follower of Muslim cleric linked to murders of atheists

The suspect, identified as Akayed Ullah, a 27-year-old Bangladeshi immigrant, had asked his wife in Bangladesh to read the writings and listen to the sermons of Moulana Jasimuddin Rahmani, the currently imprisoned leader of a banned group called Ansarullah Bangla Team, said Monirul Islam, a top official of the counterterrorism department.


Tennessee: Imam claims Jews will destroy Kaaba, prays that Allah “inflict your revenge upon them”

In a Friday sermon delivered at Antioch, Tennessee, Somali-American Imam AhmedulHadi Sharif said that the Zionists, the “number one terrorists in the world,” had “kidnapped” the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Imam Sharif prayed to Allah to “inflict Your revenge upon them” and to “make a deterrent example out of them.”


Mosque where NYC jihad mass murderer worshipped was part of NYPD surveillance effort dismantled by de Blasio at behest of Islamic groups

The department discontinued the surveillance program in 2014. The New York Police Department is shuttering a controversial, once-secret unit devoted to surveillance of local Muslim communities.

“Our administration has promised the people of New York a police force that keeps our city safe, but that is also respectful and fair,” New York City Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a statement.


Canada mosque links to website calling for jihad against Jews: “The hour will not begin until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them”

“The Jews are people of treachery and betrayal; it is not possible to trust them at all,” reads a post on the formerly-linked site, Islamqa.info, which is run by a conservative Saudi cleric. “The hour (the Day of Judgment) will not begin until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them.”


Mosque aided planning Temple Mount jihad murder of two Israeli guards

Amjad Muhammad Ahmad Jabareen, a resident of Umm al-Fahm, was detained for questioning within the context of an investigation by Shin Bet security forces and Israel Police on suspicion of involvement in the attack on the Temple Mount in which two policemen were murdered.

Findings of the investigation revealed a local network of terrorists, which was formed in the “Al-Malsa” mosque in Umm al-Fahm, where Muhammad Ahmad Muhammad Jabarin was in charge of cleaning and the muezzin of the mosque.

Geller Report