NYC: Soros DA Alvin Bragg Offers Sweetheart Plea Deal to Muslim Who Brutally Attacked Random Jew, “If I Could Do It Again, I Would Do It Again”

Imagine if the roles were reversed. But you can’t because that never happens.
It’s like 1930s Berlin.
This is why antisemitic hate crimes in New York City increased by 41 percent in 2022. With the left’s approval and without fear of serious prosecution, we can expect antisemitic attacks to continue to skyrocket in 2023.

Fox Appointed As Henhouse Guard: City University of New York Tabs Anti-Semite to Investigate Anti-Semitism

CUNY “assigned its chief diversity officer, Saly Abd Alla, the former civil rights director of CAIR’s Minnesota chapter, to investigate an email sent by Kingsborough Community College (KCC) professor Jeffrey Lax, accusing its president of anti-Zionist antisemitic discrimination.”

Lax’s reaction was precise and succinct: “We don’t want Jews here. That’s the message that it sends.” According to the Daily Caller, “he noted that Alla is in charge of overseeing all discrimination investigations at the ‘single largest urban university in the country,’ which encompasses 25 campuses and close to 300,000 students. ‘When you have someone from CAIR leading a discrimination office throughout the university, you are the biggest cause of the antisemitism.’”

MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan Sticks Up for Jew-Hater Sarsour, Scapegoats Bari Weiss for Geico Dropping Sarsour Honor

This is an excellent illustration of why these vicious radicals never lose: they have each other’s backs. The right has no such loyalty or integrity. If leftists come after someone on the right, other people on the right are all too eager to throw us under the oncoming train. Whereas the left circles the wagons…

Geller Report