Pamela Geller, Newsmax:

Trillions for Global Warming Hoax, Nothing for NASA Friday, 29 Jan 2010 04:15 PM Article Font Size    By: Pamela Geller In yet another blow to progress and achievement and the advancement of man, Obama aims to ax the moon mission. The White House budget proposal, slated to be released Monday, strips all funding for…

O’s No to NASA: Hot Air vs. HE3

More of Obama's utter contempt for American exceptionalism, ingenuity and innovation. From David, Atlas reader and engineer, who emailed me on this post: By way of background, I am currently working as a biomedical engineer and have previously worked on various aspects of the space program, so this is the vantage point from which I…

Obama’s Abdication of American Sovereignty in the name of Climate Justice (!) Postponed in Copenhagen

President The plan was to cede sovereignty over to the UN destroyers. But it seems the American people will have none of his sedition, and China and India, two key dancers in the global footprint dance, refuse to go. Heh. Obama Likely to Skip Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen FOX President Obama will probably not…

ACTION ALERT: Obama to Cede US Sovereignty in December

On October 14, Lord Christopher Monckton, a noted climate change skeptic, gave a presentation at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN. In this 4 minute excerpt from his speech, he issues a dire warning to all Americans regarding the United Nations Climate Change Treaty, scheduled to be signed in Copenhagen in December 2009. Lord Monckton…

Pamela Geller, American Thinker: Is this any way to win a war?

Is This Any Way To Fight A War? Pamela Geller Barack Hussein Obama was finally talking tough last week. More Check out my latest piece in today's American Thinker: Excerpt: The President said this past week in New York City, before the General Assembly of the United Nations, that "we understand the gravity" of the…


Doesn’t it make you feel all warm inside that the Clinton administration spent all that blood and treasure to "protect’ the Muslims from the Christians in Bosnia and pave the way for an Islamic state in Kosovo? A NEWLY "REVIVED" ISLAMIC BOSNIA “Kill a Jew” graffiti appear in Bosnia Serbianna (hat tip rut) A graffiti…

Geller Report