THEY KILLED PEOPLE: After Vicious Campaign Against Ivermectin (“Horse Paste”) For Covid, FDA Claims That Never Happened

Lying, evil bastards. They pulled it off the shelf. I remember calling every pharmacy in  the  New York area. You could not get it. People were dying and you could not get the most effective treatment for Covid. That’s what the Democrats did. There was a directive issued doctors could not prescribe Ivermectin for Covid. They penalized doctors who did. You had to get it on the black market. Those of us who tried to get it. – know.

They killed people.

Now they are saying that didn’t happen. They can say anything and they can do anything and they get away with it. Unscathed.

Soros Propaganda Org. Offers TikTok Influencer $400 To Create Video To Spread Anti-Trump Lies (VIDEO)

“I’m not a Trump supporter: said Attorney and TikToker @TrialByPreston as he revealed in a video that the Soros-funded Good Information Foundation attempted to pay him to spread lies and misinformation about President Trump, and his 2020 presidential campaign.

Biden Appoints Anti-Trump MSNBC pundit, CIA “Russian Disinfo” Staffer to his intelligence board,

This is the same troll just two years signed a letter saying Hunter Biden’s laptop was a “Russian disinformationormation operation.’

This follows the appointment of Jake Sullivan, a critical player in spreading the false Alfa Bank story.

The Democrats reward their stooges.

Biden Reclassified the Russia Collusion Docs That Trump Declassified To Aid/Abet DOJ’s ‘Criminal’ Probe Against Trump

“Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.” – Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe …

‘Show me the man, and we’ll create the the crime.’ Democrats in post-Trump America.

UK Government Report: Vaccinated account for 94% of all COVID-19 Deaths Since April, 90% of Which Were Triple/Quadruple Jabbed

We know it’s bad. But as data, (deliberately withheld by the Democrat-media-axis) becomes available its worse than we thought.

Despite the danger, the Democrats are ramping up totalitarian edits and mandating our children and babies get injected with this poison.

Chinese immigrant, a witness to Mass murderer Mao’s political purge, warning about indoctrination in public schools

“The radical left are the real racists”
“”[Mao believed that] young people’s mind is a blank piece of paper. You can draw the most beautiful pictures or whatever he wants to draw or whatever he wants them to believe. Those are the… warning signs. That’s why, you know, we have to absolutely support that parental rights and support school choice,” she said. “Parents start[ed] to wake up to say ‘what’s going on in our schools?’ which is good thing. I’m still positive, and I’m still optimistic about our country.”

Philadelphia School District Advised Teachers To Attend Transgender Conference On “Kink,” “BDSM,” “Trans Sex,” “Bigger Dick Energy,” “Banging Beyond Binaries.”

Not for the weak of stomach.

Pull your children out of government schools.

The Mazzoni Center, which hosted the conference, received $5 million in taxpayer dollars last year and has worked with the school district on sex-health research and sexuality programs for students, and the district’s director of teacher leadership sits on Mazzoni’s board.

Dystopia America: Bill Would Allow Feds To Purge U.S. Military And Local Police Using Charges Of Thought Crimes

A bill in Congress would create new ‘domestic terrorism’ units within the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice, and FBI tasked with spying on Americans considered terrorist threats. Considered by whom? By a fraudulent rogue regime?

Biden Regime Unleashes ‘Total Transformation [Destruction] Of Government’ With ‘Equity Action Plans’

This. Is. Happening. Our universities, colleges, public schools, intel agencies (all governemtn agencies, for that matter) – every sphere is being subsumed by this 21st century quasi-nazism.

Geller Report