Islamic State calls on “Muslims in France” to launch Election Day attacks


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These calls for attacks (and the attacks themselves) are part of the war on our institutions, our way of life, our freedom. The ultimate goal is submission to Islam.

Photo: AFDI quran ad on every NYC subway clock (before they banned all ads).

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Zero Hedge, May 6, 2017:

SIS has called upon Muslims in France to “kill candidates” and “burn down polling stations” as the country prepares to vote in the second round of the presidential election this weekend.

An article appearing in the French edition of the terror group’s monthly propaganda magazine “Rumiyah” addresses all Muslims in France stating: “Don’t forget your duty as a Muslim. Choose a candidate to kill & polling station to burn.”

Likening Western democracies to ‘?âghût‘ or idol worship, the Islamic State advises supporters to instead put their faith in Allah over a ‘false deity’ and not vote in this weekend’s crucial runoff between Centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron and his rival, Right-wing candidate Marine Le Pen in which Macron is widely expected to emerge the winner.

Addressing the option of voting for one candidate over the other as the ‘lesser of the two evils’ (presumably a reference to Macron), the writer rejects the argument, because both candidates are ‘?âghût‘ or idolaters.

Instead, the article advises supporters to not stand idly on the sidelines but instead to destroy ‘idolatrous’ voting booths, calling them “places of shirk” or sin.

Seeking to draw inspiration from history, the writer references the Biblical Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) who destroyed the idols of his father’s household.

“Our father Ibrâhîm was thrown into the fire by his people after having destroyed and denigrated their idols,” notes the author, before concluding with a chilling message “Burn these places of shirk (sin), kill the candidates, the voters and the polling station staff. Spare no disbelievers.”


Although attempting to encourage Muslim migration to its caliphate and continuing with its reign of global terror, ISIS seems uninterested in influencing the outcome of an election by endorsing an anti-Muslim candidate that would speed up any such process.

Marine Le Pen, the candidate of much anti-Islam rhetoric, has vowed to oppose Islamist fundamentalism and has been critical of Muslim women wearing headscarves.

In the final days leading up to the U.S. Presidential election of 2016, ISIS released “The Murtadd Vote,” an essay advising would-be attackers to target the American voter with an argument suggesting that since “voters are directly involved in the decision making process by choosing delegates to represent them and their whims executively, judicially, and legislatively, the blood of Crusader voters is even more deserving of being spilled than the blood of Crusader combatants.”

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Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
7 years ago

Even with a declaration of war, the french are still to stupid to realize that they re at war.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

Most people have heard of the devil, or Satan, just not this particular brand. Moreover, most are misled to believe that Islam’s a religion of peace, while nothing could be farther from the truth.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
7 years ago
Reply to  JacksonPearson

Of the many problems the majority of people have with islam, is that they do not realize that muslims use the islamic interpretation of “peace” “justice” and everything else, they are not the same as those used in civilized society.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

Please don’t dismiss the French people yet….in World War Two, while their government surrendered, the people started resistance groups and fought back in whatever ways they could.

No matter who wins the election, the French people are different than they’re government.

Personally, I think politicians (in all countries) are all in their own little world, and as bad as that is, it also means the people are independent–they can choose what to believe and what to do, without having to worry about their party looking good or whatever.

If a government can’t protect its people, ordinary people will step up when they have to.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
7 years ago
Reply to  Horace

Waiting… waiting… “terrorist have guns, we have flowers”… waiting… It would be nice to think that the individual french citizen will act in their own interests. So far there is no evidence of that.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

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Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
6 years ago
Reply to  Sydneydblythe

Why don’t you work naked, it is liberating.

6 years ago
Reply to  Horace

(their government). The French people have spoken – Macron won. The people are the reason Islam has taken over France. WW2 is history.

6 years ago

Macron won the election. He won part of the battle, not the whole thing.

The French can still protest and put enough pressure on him–and the government–to do more to stop terrorism. They can still push for better vetting, lower numbers of migrants, programs to identify jihadists.

France can still pull itself out of the mess it’s in. The groups there that have been pushing for free speech and better protection won’t just stop because Macron won.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

The whole Western civilization is at war, even with a declaration of war. And all of them so stupid to realize it.

7 years ago

If my gut feeling is right, Macron will get in, and ISIS will fail to kill at the voting booths.

In one way, France is a bit like Britain, sensible people live in the country and small towns by and large and the “progressives” live in the cities and suburbs where the sky is always blue.

The countryside FEEDS the city, it’s the only lever the true, caring, patriotic French have, but this isn’t going to save France this time because those who vote Macron will be the ones hit next time, in the built up areas.

Will he get blamed, probably not, but Marine Le Pen will.

Let’s see.

7 years ago

And in the US we have judges who override President Trump’s Executive Orders to keep these savages from entering the US. These judges are sponsors of terrorism, plain and simple.

It’s laughable these judges, who are supposed to keep us safe, want to import these rapefugees into our country and into the West.

We can no longer afford to house these 3rd world invaders. It’s too risky. America is struggling enough as it is. Most of us are making below living wage and had our health insurance forcefully taken away by Obama. My healthcare is up to $520 per month; compare this to my $25 per month car insurance (from Insurance Panda) or my $10/month life insurance. Both private enterprise (take note, Dems). Do we really want our tax dollars aiding these terrorists?

Muslims just prove everyday that they do not fit into western nations. There is no living in peace with these people. That is the sad reality.

6 years ago
Reply to  Clown

I’m confused about how one judge can override a national order….I know we have checks and balances, but that seems weird.

Anyway, I agree we need to secure our borders. The situation now is unsafe and unacceptable.

But, I respectfully disagree that there’s no living in peace with Muslims…there are many who have had it with jihadists and are sick of being dictated to by them.

I read an article about an Iraqi man who, when ISIS took over his town, was horrified. When his young son got a fake gun and pretended to be a member of ISIS, this man took the toy and smashed it….he refused to let his son be brainwashed.
Also, I’ve read testimonies from Yazidis who escaped ISIS with the help of sympathetic Muslims who sheltered them.

If we work with such Muslims as that Iraqi father or the families who sheltered Yazidi escapees, we’ll be better able to stand up to jihadists.

Save France vote Marine Le Pen
Save France vote Marine Le Pen
7 years ago

Dear Jihadists,
Please start your attacks in liberal districts by the polling stations. Hang out causing trouble at those poling stations ALL DAY so the libtards can’t vote. Start early, even before polls open, so Le Pen will get more votes.
Thanks a lot!

7 years ago

France must not back down!!!!!!!!!

6 years ago
Reply to  karl59

Too late, the deed is done.

Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
6 years ago

You see? Marine Le Pen’s tough stance on immigration even has the ragheads quaking in their sandals.

AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
6 years ago

Any attacks will be blamed on Russians or Conservatives by Globalist French elites and Hollywood !!!

comment image

6 years ago

The Muslim leadership directing Muslims to NOT vote is a good thing. If they did vote it would be for Macron, who is far left from Le Pen, and who promotes policies of appeasement. I am reminded of the subway bombing in Spain that led to their vote for a socialist government. Historically, France has often made bad choices politically. The threat of violence against the polling stations today, Sunday the 7th., may lead to them putting Macron in power in spite of all logic to the contrary. I guess we’ll see tomorrow morning!

6 years ago

No more pusillanimous people in Europe than the French. Faint-hearted…

6 years ago

“Islam is the most dangerous thing that the world has ever faced, Stalin and Hitler were insignificant compared to the engulfing and mendacious tentacles of Islam”

6 years ago

Macron, deaf, dumb and blind about Islam has won, so there will be no need for terror attacks today: ADIEU FRANCE.

R. Arandas
R. Arandas
6 years ago

Poor France is so fallen…

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