Brigitte Bardot urges French voters not to support Macron: ‘You can see Macron’s lack of empathy in his cold, steel eyes’


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I am a Bardot fan. She (along with Marilyn and Liz) embodied the modern woman and what I, as a young girl, wanted to grow up to be — independent, sexy, fierce — unapologetically all-woman trailblazers. And that would have been enough. But I am still a huge Bardot fan, because she is one of the few voices on the world stage who speaks candidly about sharia and the jihad threat. And she has suffered the consequences. Most acutely.

Convicted of provoking discrimination, Bardot has been charged and fined five times for “inciting racial hatred” because of her stand against sharia and jihad. In her 2003 book, she laments the “Islamization of France” and the “underground and dangerous infiltration of Islam.” Her early warnings (and conviction for) writing that Muslims are destroying France were prescient and accurate. Look at France now.

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And while I do not share her passion for fight for animal rights, Bardot is spot-on in her takedown of Emmanuel Macron.

Brigitte Bardot: ‘You Can See Macron’s Lack of Empathy in His Cold, Steel Eyes’

Breitbart, May 3, 2017:

The French film icon Brigitte Bardot has urged her fellow countrymen not to vote for Emmanuel Macron in France’s presidential election on Sunday, saying you can see his lack of compassion in “the coldness of his steel eyes”.

The animal rights campaigner tweeted to her followers that they should not vote Macron, fearing the situation for animals would deteriorate under his presidency.

 “The contempt he gives to animal suffering can be seen in the total lack of empathy reflected in the coldness of his steel eyes.

“Whilst the scandals are increasing, he takes the side of the animal breeders and the hunters against animal rights associations that are fighting with the lobbies that seem to have power over this candidate.”

One of the best-known sex symbols of the 1950s and 1960s, Bardot came out as a supporter of populist candidate Marine Le Pen at the beginning of the year. In a wide-ranging interview with Le Figaro that touched upon cultural issues, Ms. Bardot was asked what she thought of contemporary culture.

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“We live in a period when everything is vulgar, ordinary, and mediocre,” Bardot said. “France no longer has the radiance, the majesty it had.”

When asked if she was close to Le Pen’s anti-mass migration party, the Front National, the actress responded:

“I am very patriotic. I was raised by a father and a grandfather who fought for France and instilled in me a love of my homeland. I am not proud of what France is today… I’m not a ‘facho’ [fascist], any more than Marine Le Pen is.”

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“Marine Le Pen has the will to take France in hand, to restore borders and give priority to the French.”

Acknowledged as a symbol of woman’s liberation, Bardot told Le Figaro she was against the Muslim face veil.

“Communitarianism takes on too much importance. It is the culmination of thirty years of laxity.”

She is also a vocal opponent of Muslim halal slaughter, which often involves slaughtering an animal without stunning it, causing pain and distress before death.

Regarded as a free speech activist, the 82-year-old actress has faced trial five times between 1997 and 2008 for “inciting racial hatred” including for comments criticising mass Muslim immigration in France.

On one of these occasions, she was convicted for “decrying the loss of French identity and tradition due to the ‘multiplication of mosques while our church bells fall silent for want of priests’”.

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7 years ago

Glad that there is one Frenchman with cajones…even gladder that it happens to be a beautiful woman.

Bill Kay
Bill Kay
7 years ago
Reply to  BoomerBabe

Bravo excellent comment and Bravo to B.B she is the best .

7 years ago

The reason why the entire western europe will succumb to muslims, is that the success of muslims rests upon the mentality of europeans, which can not be changed –

– The vast majority europeans support muslims’ right to practice islam. Correct? This is the first nail in the coffin.
– The vast majority europeans believe that muslims should not be discriminated against. Correct? This is the second nail in the coffin.
– The vast majority europeans believe that muslims should have equal rights. Correct? This is the third nail in the coffin.
– The vast majority europeans believe that they should never resort to violence to fight islamization. Correct? This is the fourth nail in the coffin.

And with these four nails, the coffin of western europe is ready. 22nd century europe would be quasi-islamic europe.

7 years ago
Reply to  nb

I just think EUs like to be subjects. They went along with democracy because those cool Americans had it, but few EU cultures, if any, can actually support democracy.

Maintaining freedom and democracy requires that people don’t voluntarily hand over their independence to government. In fact, freedom requires a good portion of the people to think for themselves, to take personal responsibility for the security of their country, and to elect leaders that will carry out the necessary actions to preserve the freedom and security of the nation.

Europeans don’t want that. They want to be ruled by people who will make all the decisions, control everyone’s lives, and decide FOR the people what kind of security they get to have.

And this is what you get when you do that. Loss of freedom, loss of security and eventually, a return to complete subjugation.

7 years ago
Reply to  CORMAC___NJ

True, just about every European country went socialist after WW2.

Jonathan Brooks
Jonathan Brooks
7 years ago
Reply to  CORMAC___NJ

Cormac, I agree with you up to a point.
Islam will be thrown out violently, because you cannot compromise with a ideology that is rapey of women, men and kids, and wants non-muslims dead.
The French cannot march mildly into the graves, because they are only a small bunch of generations from the French Revolution, where they cut off the heads of oppressive rulers.

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Kris Kwesi Hinson
Kris Kwesi Hinson
7 years ago
Reply to  nb

At this rate, I am afraid it will be much worst. Islam wants a much bigger Caliphate which will ensure a smooth world domination under Sharia.The fascist, false prophet drummed into his followers that women could not be leaders and Infidels are to be subjugated. Europe’s future “hangs” in the balance. This election is critical for France.

7 years ago

Ms Bardot’s voice is being drowned out by the EU’s call for more and more immigration. It’s too bad. She’s absolutely right. French identity and tradition, are being watered down so fast, if nothing is done to turn it around, it will be lost forever. And the same holds for Germany, Sweden, etc.

7 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

Yeah, EU and western journalists are drowning her voice out.

France has been at war for over a year and half.
The state of emergency is still in place I believe.
But the media only reports on France when the attack gets big or hard to ignore.

william couch
william couch
7 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

You can thank the Rothchilds for this.

Jonathan Brooks
Jonathan Brooks
7 years ago

Cold, dead eyes….like a doll’s eyes. I think I am having a “Jaws” flashback. Never look a gift Macron in the mouth…..

7 years ago

He is manufactured and sold just like all the other tools of the oligarchy.

7 years ago

Father time did a mean number on Bridget, but he didn’t hamper her spirit. Unfortunately, she’s crying to deaf ears, or so it seems.

7 years ago

Who would ever figure Bardot would be the most courageous woman in Fwance? Has LePen ever uttered a cross word about muslums and/or islum?

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
7 years ago

Her support will help, france has stuck its neck out, will it have enough brains to pull back before the blade falls?

Mack Pooh
Mack Pooh
7 years ago

France needs Marine Le Pen especially for the soveriegnty and national security efforts of France. Unlike the U.S. where our president is to take on islam and puppeteers in isis. The great U.S., in its great freedom in democracy rant and battle, has President Trump surrounded by fraudent republicans who, with their democratic playmates, are dedicated to befriending liberal, conservative, or moderate muslims. The problem however, is that there is no such thing as a liberal muslim. Conservative muslim. Moderate muslim. But, the bleeding hearts are non-partisan and therefore risking American sovereignty and national security. Tis time America realizes that islam, in its entirety, must be eternally destroyed and that is every muslim woman, man, and child must be eradicated, period.
When groups like the NRA advocate for a less safe America, they harbor islam and criminals.
Brigitte Bardot is a very rare voice and puts many Americans to shame…

Alleged Comment
Alleged Comment
7 years ago

Oh, I thought she was going to say the little basturd should have married me. I’m not so old looking you know. Sure, my skin is falling off and wrinkled, but I heard he likes older women.

Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
7 years ago

What does it take? After the incidents in Paris at “Charlie Hebdo” and Bataclan and Bastille Day at Nice, you would think the French would be hailing her as some sort of clairvoyant or seer. And who says blondes are so clueless after all?

7 years ago

“What does it take?”
I reflected heavily on the question you asked: “What does it take” for westerners to finally stop being denial about Radical Islam.

The Answer sadly is:
1.)If Muslim terrorists attack liberal Journalists with more frequency. then it may force journalists like in 2014. if their own colleagues are getting beheaded. it’s harder for them to ignore.

2.)If Muslim terrorists attack a minority group like in Orlando. A group that the left really cares about.

3.)If a Politician the left cares about – like Alan Sharpton or Bill deBlasio gets killed in a terrorist attack. then the left might take notice.

3.)If a celebrity the left cares about gets killed.
For example, If Elton John or communist Matt Damon get their heads cut off by ISIS, then that might make Hollywood flinch.

If it’s no one they care about, they won’t care.

7 years ago

Not all Hollywood actors are raving leftist lunatics. A handful actually have a firm grasp on reality coupled with some moral foundation. Not many, but gratefully they’re out there and some of them, like Bardot, are not afraid to speak out against progressive tyranny.

Semur Jengkol
Semur Jengkol
7 years ago

is she the role model for western women ??? ….no wonder ….Depravity is suicidal to a civilization ..

whats the point for women parading their ass-set to public ???…featuring their sexuality …’s depravity …

do you really want this kind of sexual women to be mother of your childrens ?????

7 years ago
Reply to  Semur Jengkol

Why does allah only want women to dress modestly? Why do Bacha Bazi boys parade their ass-sets to dirty old bearded muslum monkeys like you?

Duchess of Pork
Duchess of Pork
7 years ago
Reply to  Semur Jengkol

You prefer the pre-pubescents? Like Aisha?

7 years ago

BARDOT is RIGHT-ON! ~ LOOK at France today, flooded with Muslims! ~ Who in Hell wants to vacation in France or Germany anymore, not to even mention Europe since the Muslim invasion?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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