Marine Le Pen Surges Over Macron in Latest Poll


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France’s voters seem to be turning from Emmanuel Macron and toward Marine Le Pen — at least, according to the latest round of polling.

Emmanuel Macron has angered France’s voters in recent days, opening the door for a poll surge for Marine Le Pen.


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Macron, who had vowed to go “tough” on Brexit, has made some critical missteps in recent times, most notably over his attitude. According to the Express, Macron’s lost big points the last few days because he’s striding around Paris like he’s already won — and the bravado isn’t sitting welll with France’s voters.

The news outlet said:

“An Elabe poll for BFM TV found that half of people surveyed considered that Ms Le Pen’s campaign had started well, compared with just 43 per cent for Macron.

“Another found some 61 per cent of French voters think that Ms Le Pen is leading a successful second-round campaign, compared to 48 per cent for Mr Macron, according to a Harris Interactive poll for RMC and Atlantico published on Wednesday.

“Mr Macron is the current frontrunner ahead of the second round of the French election but has been accused of complacency by both rivals and allies.

“He was booed and jeered by striking factory workers during a chaotic campaign visit in northern France, marking a stark contrast with Ms Le Pen taking photographs with workers.

“She vowed to stop the factory from closing if elected on May 7, and told the striking staff: “Everyone knows what side Emmanuel Macron is on – he is on the side of the corporations.

“‘I am on the workers’ side, here in the car park, not in the restaurants of Amiens.’

“Ms Le Pen’s supporters, including her father, are trying to split the unified front against her by praising the defeated far left candidate, Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

“In a Channel 4 interview, aired in February, the En Marche! chief repeatedly promised to ensure Britain faced “consequences” for voting Leave.

“Rivals and potential allies alike criticised Mr Macron for visiting on an expensive Parisian restaurant, the same choice as unpopular incumbent François Hollande, for celebrations after coming out on top in the first round of voting.”

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7 years ago

Heavily favored amateur vs. savvy underdog Veteran. Seen a lot of those type contests, the Veteran usually wins.

7 years ago

This is GREAT news.
MAKE FRANCE GREAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After she wins she can kick Ivanka Trumps ass for inviting rapefugees to the USA.

7 years ago

Practically the only good news in a world increasingly being dragged back to the muslum dark ages.

7 years ago


7 years ago

The French are a…holes. The terrorists of the South Pacific (blowing up the Rainbow Warrior in New Zealand and Muraroa Atoll) and the gutless submission to Nazism and the sheer arrogance of them. When was it great?

7 years ago

Islam will not improve the mix sydney.

7 years ago
Reply to  katzkiner

I am well aware of this kat. Just saying the French are not up for the fight. They will not go it alone

Bless his heart
Bless his heart
7 years ago

If Le Pen wins then others may be able to help them until they again refuse help.

7 years ago
Reply to  katzkiner

I hate to tell you this, but very, very devout people, people like Steno, were the ones who came up with evolution. As for the stone age, let the stone agers deal with their own problems. Christians have been sufficiently genocidal, murderous, enslaving, raping plunderers across Africa, Asia, South America, Central America and North America. How about actually reading the Koran and the New Testament and seeing for yourself that nonviolence is superior to violence, for both Muslims and right wing Christians. With that measure, Buddha is superior to Islam.

7 years ago

This has SFA to do with France but a lot to do with the survival of the west. I cannot stand the French myself and like the Serbs I see their possible future as well deserved but even I can see the point here and support le Pen as her victory would be so important in stopping the Islamic invasion of the west. So do wake up and stop being so microminded.

7 years ago
Reply to  Michelle

Yes Michelle. Let’s all hum a merry tune and wait for a politician to fix the problems. The impotent Mr Trump can’t even manage to halt Muslim immigration to the USA. You are grasping at straws. Le Pen, even if elected, will not change anything. As if the gutless French will vote for civil war, because that is what Le Pen is offering. I am aware that Islam declared war on the world 1400 years ago. The French will not declare war on Islam because all hell will break loose with an enemy who want to die and the French do not. Slow suicide is preferable to them than a brutal terror campaign.

Ron Smith
Ron Smith
7 years ago

The French people are not afraid…..they have endured attack after attack on them, and they are still fighting

Duchess of Pork
Duchess of Pork
7 years ago

To be fair the French surrender to Islam is being aided and abetted by the head of the Catholic Church.from within his walled enclave.

7 years ago

Go eat your pork, duchess. The only one surrendering anything is you your ability to reason.

Duchess of Pork
Duchess of Pork
7 years ago
Reply to  SKVAM

Cannibalism is not really my thing, but I will watch France eat itself over the next few years as puppet Macron, under instruction from his banker master controllers, continues to import the ME invaders.

7 years ago

Oh, Duchess, if you’re worried about “bankers,” as if all capitalists were under that particular umbrella category, is a bit limited. But in any case, shouldn’t you worry about the corporate backers of Trump (hint: Bankers), and Le Pen is backed by Russian banks and Putin. Shouldn’t you worry about that? And as for “invaders” from the middle east, if you stop financing dictators then invading actually, with weapons in hand, destroying infrastructure, reducing entire nations to warlords and criminals, forcing refugees by the millions, then perhaps you won’t be “invaded” by the suffering people you have deprived of what little they had. When you do wipe out nations, expect refugees. Like Europe, 1945. It’s what happens. And “invaders” includes those desperate to save their families, themselves, children, women, the elderly, you know, people. And those seeking asylum, who have human rights internationally recognized, or are you reduced to a bestial state where you ignore the suffering? Will some get in who are criminals or purely economic refugees or some very, very small group of terrorists, not as much if you have a process. Europe has no process. You break it, you bought it. Stop whining.

Duchess of Pork
Duchess of Pork
7 years ago
Reply to  SKVAM

Ah yes, I see you are dripping with empathy for the “desperate and suffering refugees”. How humane of you, weeping for millions of predominantly economic migrants, overwhelmingly young men, many of whom paid traffic smugglers then lied, cheated and stole their way into Europe to rort welfare systems. Any sympathy for the Christians who are regularly beaten, threatened and occasionally killed by supremacist racists who despise the idea of religious tolerance? Do you cry for the women who are systematically raped in asylum camps and the streets of the cities they arrive in? They have human rights too but are continually let down by legal systems giving rapists a free pass. Any vestige of feeling for the Twin Falls victim? That particular barbarity was unheard of before America offered safe harbour to your desperate and suffering. And America does have a process. Tears for the working poor of European countries routinely bumped off council housing lists in favour of foreigners with a proclivity for polygyny? And have you noticed how your “very, very small group of terrorists” is growing? Throughout the world. And quite quickly. Because of enablers within the communities who both shelter them and breed the next generations. And because of the blinkered and gullible, safe within their leafy suburbs, old world media and liberal academia (for the moment.)
Someone has to whine lest hypocritical handwringers like you be deprived of their crocodile tears. I have no intention of stopping.

7 years ago

Yes, “duchess,” empathy is evil. I hope if you go broke, or become in need, you receive the empathy you’re giving. Idiotic arguments about Christians being killed in Muslim lands is your excuse to be barbaric? If you hate polygamy, how about Mormons? How about domestic terrorists, are you equally afraid of them. Look, self styled duchess, your use of the English language is odd, your ethics are degenerate at best, and your “logic” is so flawed that it is evident to me you don’t really think coherently. Oh, and go read that New Testament you pretend to care about, I presume you do given your concern for Christians (concern is good for all people) and see what Jesus says. Your ethics are poor, your Christianity, part of the culture you claim to love, is perverted.

Duchess of Pork
Duchess of Pork
7 years ago
Reply to  SKVAM

Ah yes, the ad hominem. You pseudo-liberals are pretty good at that but your profile indicates extreme overuse of the cowardly attack. And plenty of hate which also lies just below the surface of leftard hand-wringers and quisling antifas. Close your profile, grow up, start paying some taxes and you’ll abandon the fad. PS, I’m agnostic. Bye now.

7 years ago

Before you can define the mushy concept of “pseudo-liberal,” can you define liberal? And your anti-Christ use of hate words that include the word “retard,” are pathetic. Ad hominem? Your dirty attack on refugees with no facts, no research is ad hominem. Your kind of people stopped Jews from entering America, pushed them back to Germany, including children by the thousands, so they died in European concentration camps. Try this for ad hominem: Your ethics are vile. And as for agnostic, so much of European culture is steeped in Christianity and the teachings of Jesus (a failed attempt over centuries), that it’s not your supposed agnosticism but your lack of compassion and ethics that should concern any good person. Evil that hides behind fake names is cowardly, “duchess of pork.” More like silly, ahistorical ignorant person who lives in fear and anger, both emotions that serve no one well. Have some pork. It’s a close relative.

Duchess of Pork
Duchess of Pork
7 years ago
Reply to  SKVAM

Be careful of your presumptions Syvam, they are leading you astray and tempting you into silly and false accusations. Are you unable to find the dramatic increase in migrant crime statistics, particularly rape, since 2015 by yourself? Strange considering your professional status. And do not take the moral high ground when your envy of and hate for conservatives, Republicans is clearly displayed in your profile. Is that hate just for the white conservatives or all ethnicities? In your floods of tears for the “poor displaced”, but fit.young migrant men now flooding into Europe please retain some semblance of empathy for the huge numbers of young white women who are being thrown to the wolves by your ilk. And they are invariably white. And young. How do you justify turning the other cheek to their plight Syvam. Just collateral damage? That would be pathetic, vile and evil no?

7 years ago

I don’t hate conservatives as you hate liberals. I simply find so-called conservatives really morally and theoretically unsound. I am not quite sure how “huge numbers of young white women” are being “thrown to the wolves” by my “ilk.” This sort of histrionic talk is the province of the ignorant. Your argument, such as it is, is that one evil makes it possible to take revenge, to become xenophobic, hateful. Wrong. Unethical. Against all Jesus taught. Against all that is the best in America. UnAmerican. Save yourself from being a dupe of the rich, the powerful, those who have nothing but contempt for you. Le Pen’s hero Adolph Hitler saw people as worms just wanting to unite into a dragon. Don’t be that worm. Or are you content with being an economic, political, and moral worm?

Duchess of Pork
Duchess of Pork
7 years ago
Reply to  SKVAM

Don’t hate conservatives? Au contraire, your profile leaks the venom. Especially if those conservatives are White. You see Skyvam you play identity politics while hiding behind the guise of humanitarianism and the shield of righteous sanctimony. I may be a worm, but at least, unlike you, I am an honest worm. And not being an American (oh the ass..umptions you make, I have warned you about that) I am saved from being duped.
Yes, thousands of young women thrown to the wolves in the UK. Rotherham, Oxford, Huddersfield et al. PC Plod, media, councillors, social workers and yes, people of your ilk all silently complicit in a monumental coverup of the grooming rape and trafficking of lonely, young White women. And that’s just the UK. I can put you in touch with people that will verify it is happening all over Europe. You’re ok with that? You know why it’s happening, you know about Islamic hijrah, you know the history of India, you know of the Hindu slaughter, you would know how Islam views and treats women, particularly infidel women. And yet you would be a dupe for Islam. Perhaps you are a misogynist. That’s also against all that Jesus taught.

Duchess of Pork
Duchess of Pork
7 years ago
Reply to  SKVAM

Liberal: “Hypocrites who preach tolerance of all, then openly mock and ridicule Republicans/Christians, deniers of global warming and others who disagree with them”. Urban dictionary [6]. But you may think that Nos 1-5 also apply to you.

7 years ago

Duchess, duchess, duchess. Urban dictionaries are not recognized political theory. To answer what a liberal is, you first have to go back to Thomas Hobbes, then to John Locke, whom the founding fathers respected, and what you find is that the fundamental difference between a liberal and a “conservative,” is best described in Hobbes’ description of competition, as rats in a well crawling to climb over each other to get out. A few make it. The assumption is that those who escape the well are more able in some manner. Liberals are alright with the competition, but see the importance of a fair competition. This means you cannot lie, cheat, steal, murder, collude, embezzle, or ruin entire peoples to gain an advantage. Why? Because as Locke saw it, God was for those who couldn’t reason properly, so the ability to get money was the only measurable way to find the rational, the able. So competition must be fair, regulated. Hence we need regulations in order to avoid chaos, violence, evil. We can debate how much regulation, that can be done less by polemics and more by knowing the facts on the ground, data and theory. And what ought to be. So in reality, you too are a liberal, but you’re simply ignorant of the meaning. I am quite sure you don’t want what is called a Hobbesian state of nature, with the strong destroying and ruining the weak. Or do you? What makes Trump and Le Pen and their sort of fascist the definition of evil is that among those rats who make it out of the well, they believe the one rat that makes it best is the best among all, he should lead, the fascist. And it is more likely if you are not a liberal, the logical and reasonable conclusion of your views would be that you are a fascist. A really poor political theorist and an abysmal Christian, or if you are not a follower of Jesus, an abysmal human being. By the way, Hobbes and Locke have axioms to their thought, axioms that are highly doubtful. I leave it to you to find those in a reading of Leviathan and Second Treatise.

Duchess of Pork
Duchess of Pork
7 years ago
Reply to  SKVAM

Very grateful for the lecture Skyvam, you do it so well under your Shield of Sanctimony and Virtue-signalling. I’m fully aware of the doubtful axioms and paradoxes of Hobbes and Locke, both of whom after admitting women to that basic human equality on which their system of politics is built then justify women’s exclusion from political life and inequality in society by substituting the male-headed family for the individual as their primary subject matter. I do recommend Dialogue on the Common Law as well as Leviathan and Second Treatise for clarification. And far better to use wolves than rats to explain the Hobbesian state of nature – wolves being a pack animal are closer to the tribal group nature of humans don’t you think? I presume that’s what lefty liberals and humanists (they’re not one and the same thing by the way) think given their love for terming outlier groups “the Other” and their ready adoption of the “lone-wolf” explanation for terrorists. Goes without saying of course that the lone-wolf is also mentally ill.
But you’re quite right Skyvam, I don’t want a Hobbesian state of nature with the strong destroying the weak. But that is what we will see unfold in the next twenty years as the global elite strong collude with the the envious and avaristic strongest of the weak. It has already begun. Have you noticed the new pack hunting game of Taharrush on display in Europe? It shows no signs of abating. Your solutions, derived from the western liberal humanist tradition will not suffice when faced with a stronger, more intolerant, religious adversary who will take your welfare, your “compassion” and all the help the West offers as evidence of their and their god’s supremacy and entitlement. If you would aid this you are already a dhimmi.

7 years ago

Don’t give up on them. Charles did beat the muslamics at Tours and they did help the US in the revolutionary war of independence from England and they did have the French Resistance that helped beat the nazis in WW2 not to mention they identifield HIV. Don’t forget Brigitte Bardot and Impressionism and french cuisine. When Le Pen wins I’ll toast with a nice sauvignon blanc!

7 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Le Pen is a fascist. Millions died to defeat their kind.

7 years ago
Reply to  SKVAM

You’ll soon be seeing who the facist is with the thieving macron on the take.

Ron Smith
Ron Smith
7 years ago

It will have a great victory on May 7th…..and France will be greater than it has ever been!!!

Time for the people of France to believe in the greatness that lies ahead……not the problems that they are leaving behind….?

7 years ago

As versus American slavery, work to death plantations, genocide and ethnic cleansing, imperialism and arrogance?

Duchess of Pork
Duchess of Pork
7 years ago
Reply to  SKVAM

Or Islamic slavery, genocide, ethnic cleansing, imperialism and arrogance?

7 years ago

One wrong doesn’t excuse the other, Pork. It just doesn’t. I’ve FORGOTTEN more about the brutality of Muslim practice of slavery and violence than you will ever learn. But you have never learned about “Christian,” really capitalist genocide, ethnic cleansing, imperialism and arrogance. Another person’s or group’s sin doesn’t excuse your own sin. That sort of argument is what children who are caught in the act of naughtiness do.

Duchess of Pork
Duchess of Pork
7 years ago
Reply to  SKVAM

But egotistical posturing over forgotten learnings, base accusations casually flung to deflect debate and sanctimonious lecturing do not answer the question. Of course one wrong doesn’t excuse the other but both need to be acknowledged. And you never address the tail side of the coin, preferring instead to suggest the head side is the only true, good and ethical dimension. Hypocrisy is thy name. You are not worthy to debate.

7 years ago

So knowledge is egotistical and sanctimonious. And you complain of ad hominem? If you cannot debate me with one single fact, then the unworthiness of debating is not the issue, your ignorance is. Since the news story and a number of comments have been pro Le Pen, a fascist racist xenophobe, my comments are directed at the filth that backs the kind of movement that millions died to defeat. You want to talk about Islam. I have a lot of problems with Islam, but unlike you, I have gone through the Koran and know the New Testament, especially the four gospels, well. Have you any idea of the problems with Islam? The adherence to violence is a major one. But they are not alone in this, Hindus, Jews, and others are violent, including false cultural small “c” christians who choose violence even though Jesus was strictly nonviolent. I know more about Islam and their violence than you do. But this string of comments deals with the morally disgusting people who back the fascist pig Le Pen. You should be ashamed of backing fascist racist anti-Semitic xenophobes. You are judged by the company you keep.

Duchess of Pork
Duchess of Pork
7 years ago
Reply to  SKVAM

Slithering and sliding hither and yon in order to deflect debate again Skvam. “I know more about Islam and their violence than you do”. How can you possibly know that without knowing me? Oh that’s right you assume. That I’m American. That I’m Christian. That I am ignorant of western political theory. That I am a Le Pen follower. Wrong on all 4 points. Do you always assume your own experience is indelible fact? That’s not debate, that’s egotistical posturing and I’m done with yours. Goodbye.

7 years ago

I know that I know more because you have to resort to extreme statements and never back them up with any facts whatsoever. I don’t assume you’re anything. But you claim to be defending a Europe, meaning as well European “culture,” whatever that is. If you’re not a Le Pen follower, why say France is being inundated when it is not, why insult the Pope, why call Macron a puppet. If there is any evidence, it is that Russia and Putin were coming down on the side of the fascist Le Pen. You do a great impression of a person who loves Le Pen, loves European “culture,” hates “liberal,” whatever that means to you, and in general argues from ignorance. Don’t worry about being done with me. I’ll live. But you’ve been done with any knowledge about Europe. I’ve studied European history from the Greek Golden age through the Middle Ages to an intensive study of modern European philosophies (though most of those philosophers were persecuted by the very Europeans you seem to love). I studied under outstanding historians such as Gordon W. Prange of At Dawn We Slept, and any number of other top books. I have taught political philosophy. And I have read enough about Islam and their spread of slavery throughout Africa, their participation in the slave trade, their killings, their destructive iconoclasm, far, far more than you. And I know about the character of Mohammed. He is no Christ or Buddha or Socrates. You should worry about your ignorance. Life is too short to live intellectually blind; the sad thing is you’re done with you. Your arguments might be much stronger if you read history or philosophy or if you were thoughtful and adopted Socratic humility as a characteristic, you know, an essential part of Socrates’ contribution to all thought, including European. But you do know he was poisoned by Europeans, right?

7 years ago
Reply to  SKVAM

No, not versus American things. I was simply speaking of France.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
7 years ago

Polls are for strippers, what happens ion election day is what counts. Discussing which whore will screw a nation before election day is merely something to pass time.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

So you hope (or pray)

Halal Bacon
Halal Bacon
7 years ago

Please please let her win, there needs to be 2 sides equipped to fight, not just appeasers of the religion of piss

7 years ago
Reply to  Halal Bacon

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7 years ago
Reply to  Crystalcsutter


Alex Yamach
Alex Yamach
7 years ago
Reply to  Crystalcsutter

This SPAM message was brought to you courtesy of the pool of out of work Hillary blog trolls trying to make a buck.

Whenever a Democrat blog troll sees that the comments in a blog are going against the progressive Democrat agenda, you’ll see one of these scam SPAM comments.

When you’re a Democrat blog troll, and your lies just aren’t working anymore, a troll’s gotta do what they gotta do to distract you from the topic! So, they might as well try to rip you off!

7 years ago
Reply to  Alex Yamach

Alex Yamach, Republican trolls you love?

Mr Paul Middleton
Mr Paul Middleton
7 years ago

I hate Islam and Mozlem filth more than anything, but in a non-intuitive strange way, I find myself wishing there will be another French terror attack, simply so Marine gets in and kicks the Mozlem asswipes out.

7 years ago

What is the bet that even the muslims are not that stupid? surely? no??

7 years ago

Macron is getting most of the voters from the loser candidates which may not go well. Sadly it’s Frances last chance for survival before they’re out bred by moslems.

7 years ago
Reply to  Truthhurts

funny how they all seemed like leftard clones except for le Pen. Anyone would think that it was organized to be so.

Ron Smith
Ron Smith
7 years ago
Reply to  Michelle

Don’t underestimate the power of the people in a position to save their country when it’s all on the line.
As an American…..we all believed that Trump would win even though so many people said that we were crazy.

Don’t lose hope in the most important election that you will ever be a part of…..get everyone out there and vote for Le Pen, and watch the miracle on Sunday May 7th!!!

7 years ago

May she be victorious!!! I will pray that she wins!!

mycattitude .
mycattitude .
7 years ago
Reply to  CHARLES S

You and me, and Rob Lee, who is plugging her on his channel and will have new coverage again soon. I love how she is the ONLY politicians w/ the guts to address the very real and dire situation of anti-white racism and she was bold, believable and passionate.

7 years ago
Reply to  mycattitude .

She has more ba-ls then any man in France, plus that gutless wonder who is running against her, neck to neck..

Ron Smith
Ron Smith
7 years ago
Reply to  CHARLES S

I am praying for a Marine Le Pen victory over Macon on May 7th!!!
France deserves to have a President who will fight to Make France Great Again!!!

Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
7 years ago

It is no secret that Macron is Hollande’s stealth candidate whose very political existence is owed to France’s Socialist Party which garnered a whopping 6% of the vote in the primaries. This will be interesting to watch since Le Pen has taken a page from Trump’s political playbook by addressing the frustrations on the voters’ minds, namely massive raghead immigration and all its complications plus a GTFO move from the EU a la Brexit.

Ron Smith
Ron Smith
7 years ago

When Marine Le pen is victorious on May 7th…..I will celebrate with a French Kiss…..?

Carolina Berg
Carolina Berg
7 years ago

61 + 48 % = 109 % Are dead people voting too?

Sunshine Kid
Sunshine Kid
7 years ago
Reply to  Carolina Berg

I was wondering if anyone would see that. I decided to read comments before I made the observation, but now I don’t have to. Well done!

7 years ago
Reply to  Carolina Berg

Immigrants from Chicago, obviously

Москалi, геть з Криму!
Москалi, геть з Криму!
7 years ago

Bunch of wishful thinking. Comrade Le Pen and her Nazi father are going down!

7 years ago

MuhamMUD was a child molesting goat f’er.

Москалi, геть з Криму!
Москалi, геть з Криму!
7 years ago
Reply to  IzlamIsTyranny

The Prophet (PBUH) has nothing to do with Le Pen and her pathetic Nazi daddy getting schlonged by Macron…

Ron Smith
Ron Smith
7 years ago

Sounds like what we were told in America about Donald Trump… was not just wishful thinking though.

It was Americans saying that we are not going to allow the elite group of people tell us how good that our lives can be.

Americans united just like the French people are uniting and it will be a great day for the people of France on May 7th!!!

We believe in the French people!!!

Москалi, геть з Криму!
Москалi, геть з Криму!
7 years ago
Reply to  Ron Smith

Who “we?”. The only ones who believe in Le Pen are Putler and the Kremlin junta…

7 years ago

Bonne chance, Mme le Pen!

Kathy Brown, Esq.D
Kathy Brown, Esq.
7 years ago
Reply to  durabo

Exactement Durabo!

Que j’espere qu’elle va reussir!

7 years ago

I think Sovereignty and history of nations is a driving factor.
Macron has the attitude that terrorism has to be accepted..
when everyone knows more refugees = More attacks.

7 years ago

I knew it. Le Pen is going to kick that appeaser’s macaroni a88! My ancestors from France are cheering!

Bless his heart
Bless his heart
7 years ago

Vive La France.

France may live. France would survive well during La Pen in the power of President. Even if a legislature blocked much of the good she could do, it would change the direction and rebuild the French. It would reduce or stop the slow and deliberate bleeding out that France is doing now.

7 years ago

I thought she stepped down. I would like to see her win. I like her stand on Muslim immigration. Only, I do take exception to her remarks about the French not being complicit with the Nazis.

7 years ago

Well, there goes your ability to predict anything Pamela Geller. Landslide against the fascist.

Geller Report
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