Dallas Morning News: “Islam debate returns to Garland ISD’s Culwell Center with Muhammad art event”


As US Muslim Congressmen wage jihad against free speech and seek to ban Dutch MP Geert Wilders from our First Inaugural Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest, the media has taken up for the sharia speech oppressors.

Photo above: Our Garland Texas demo in defense of free speech in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo sharia slaughter.

The Dallas  Morning News calls this an “Islam debate.” It’s a freedom debate. It’s a freedom of speech debate. It’s a sharia debate.

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Dorothy Brooks, organizer of a May 7 “day of prayer” event in the city, compared Sunday’s event to yelling “fire” in a theater.

But Ms. Brooks, there is a fire.

There is a jihad raging in the UK, Europe, Middle  East, Africa and here in America.

Terror group Hamas CAIR barked, “We are not paying any attention to this at all,” said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR spokesman. “The thing [Geller] hates most is being ignored.” Lol. Hooper actually pretends to suggest he knows what I think. Not in his wildest dawah dreams …. 🙂

This is classic projection. Hamas Hooper wants everyone to ignore our message of truth and freedom.

Hamas-CAIR wants Americans to remain in the dark about the jihadic doctrine. Hamas-CAIR works to silence the truth about jihad and sharia. Hamas-CAIR wants people to be deceived by their taqiyya. And everyone is talking about our AFDI ads. If the devout beekeeper Hamas-CAIR’s Ibrahim Hooper saw the thousands of emails in support of our jihad awareness campaign, man, would he be stung.

Check out the comments under the article — and this is Texas.

“Islam debate returns to Garland ISD’s Culwell Center with Muhammad art event”, By Ray Leszcynski, Dallas Morning News, April 27, 2015

MUSLIM_CONFERENCE_41767989Tony Gutierrez/The Associated Press

Hundreds protested the “Stand With the Prophet in Honor and Respect” event held at the Culwell Center in January.

For the second time this year, free speech and religious liberties are colliding at Garland ISD’s Curtis Culwell Center.

Opponents say the American Freedom Defense Initiative’s Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest on Sunday will be an attack on Islam.

But its organizers, who booked the event after a controversial pro-Islamic event used the center in January, say they are simply exercising their right of expression.

The contest, which is offering a top prize of $10,000, has received about 350 entries depicting Muhammad. But caricatures of the Islamic prophet are considered offensive by many Muslims.

In January, a French newspaper that published such cartoons was attacked by terrorists and 12 people died.

As part of its contract with the district, the American Freedom Defense Initiative has paid $10,000 for extra security — nearly $50 for each of about 200 tickets that have been purchased so far. That cost doesn’t include private security the group is employing.

“It does speak to the world at large that we have to have this intense security around this art exhibit,” organizer Pamela Geller said in February. “That’s all it is … an art exhibit and a cartoon contest.”

Geller’s New York-based group booked the Curtis Culwell Center after it was the location for Sound Vision Foundation’s Stand With the Prophet in Honor and Respect event.

That pro-Islamic program drew hundreds of protesters in January.

Some critics complained that the school district should not have permitted the event, but officials said they were required to follow a nondiscriminatory leasing policy.

A new baseline

After Garland police offered assurances that adequate security could be provided, the district accepted the American Freedom Defense Initiative’s deposit for Sunday’s event.

In the past, large events such as graduations and athletic events at the Culwell Center have been staffed by off-duty Garland police. But the protest in January set a new baseline, police spokesman Joe Harn said.

“We went to work with GISD and set up a plan, outlined what we felt like needed to be done, along with things they had available and things they used in January,” he said. “The guys that will be out there will be off-duty officers, just like regularly. But we made suggestions to what we thought the security setup should be.”

Controlling entrances and exits, using barricades and establishing a media area were effective in January, he said.

The police do not see a need to issue a warning about the event at the center, which is near stores, hotels and Bush Turnpike, Harn said.

“If we felt there was any kind of security risk on the outside of that event, we would certainly let folks know and take what measures we needed to,” he said.

But some Garland residents raised concerns last week with the City Council about potential risks. Other worries are likely to be brought up at the school board’s meeting Tuesday.

“Do we want to be involved with this type of rhetoric?” Lena Griffin asked the council. “It is not an issue of free speech but clearly one of public safety.”

Dorothy Brooks, organizer of a May 7 day of prayer event in the city, compared Sunday’s event to yelling “fire” in a theater.

But Ms. Brooks, there is a fire.

“I understand that participants have a right to express themselves with cartoons, but I regret that this will be happening in our city,” she said.

But Mary Ehlenfeldt countered on behalf of members of her family who had served in the military.

“So some lady wants to be stupid and say, ‘I’m going to show everybody what hate is.’ That is what our Constitution says she has a right to do,” Ehlenfeldt told the council.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations does not plan to protest this weekend’s event.

“We are not paying any attention to this at all,” said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR spokesman. “The thing [Geller] hates most is being ignored.”

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9 years ago

So sick of the propagandist term ‘Islamaphobia’ being used to negatively portray those of us who aren’t afraid to rationally oppose the tyranny of Islam.

I absolutely love the sign in the photo “we are not phobic” and it’s got me pondering new ways to reference ourselves in a way that is self-defined?

Any ideas anyone?

9 years ago
Reply to  Myriam

Islamofiant – defying Islam

9 years ago
Reply to  Myriam


9 years ago
Reply to  NSNZ

I up-voted this one but now I’m wondering what it means lol? Keeping in mind phobic means an irrational fear…

9 years ago
Reply to  Myriam

How bout Inslamolent? Taking an insolent position towards the political imposition of Islam on non-Muslims….

9 years ago
Reply to  Myriam

As islam accuses the world of “islamaphobia”, we can justifiably claim “infidelaphobia”. Yes/no?

9 years ago
Reply to  NSNZ

Islam clams control over everyone, but we have nothing to do with being infidel as they think. So they suffer from

9 years ago
Reply to  LL

Bahahahah anythingnormalphobic! That’s gold!

9 years ago
Reply to  NSNZ

Oh I see as in a term of reference for them? Like they have an irrational fear of the infidel….excellent!

9 years ago
Reply to  Myriam

When someone says I have Islamophobia, I say I have Islamonausea. I’m sick of Islam!

9 years ago
Reply to  wakeup333


9 years ago
Reply to  wakeup333

Nice 1 🙂

Pray Hard
Pray Hard
9 years ago
Reply to  wakeup333

Ask them to spell “Islamophobia” and explain it to you. Most won’t be able to do either.

9 years ago
Reply to  Myriam

Call them Geller phobic. They have an irrational fear of Pamela Geller.

9 years ago
Reply to  Warren

I love it! Gellerphobes lol

9 years ago
Reply to  Myriam


9 years ago
Reply to  Myriam


9 years ago
Reply to  LL

Keep em coming lol! Awesome 🙂

9 years ago
Reply to  Myriam

What about veracaphobes (pronounced verasaphobe)? A combination of the word ‘veracity’ and phobia. To be used when referring to those who have an irrational fear of the the truth!!!

9 years ago
Reply to  Myriam

islam is FREEPHOBIC,

9 years ago
Reply to  Myriam


9 years ago
Reply to  Myriam

Too bad all the victims–millions–of islam’s 1400 year jihad had not been more phobic, they might still be alive today.

We “islamophobes” should not feel bad, it’s those that use the term who are shamed. It is they who mock good sense with their blatant denial of the facts. And moreover, by diverting attention away from the truth they encourage islam’s growth with all its destructive effects, the religious murder for jihad & crimes against humanity. I consider the epithet a childish and feeble attempt to shame good action into inaction, and to deny good people their moral voice.

But our noble fight can’t be thwarted by childish names. To principled and enlightened people these name-callers only disgraces themselves. They make the light of reason and truth shine that much brighter. As time goes by more people will come to our side like moths to a flame, and those who remain we’ll call Gelotophobes, cuz they’ll be standing alone in their stupidity.

Pray Hard
Pray Hard
9 years ago
Reply to  Myriam

When lib’eloi and Muslims call me names on social media, I just say “Thank you”.

9 years ago
Reply to  Myriam

Islam is a brainwash. Founded by a sadistic, raping, robbing, murderous pedophile, portrayed by Muslims as a prince of peace. We who oppose the LIES of Islam are… TRUTH TELLERS!

9 years ago
Reply to  Myriam

We have been self-defined as antijihad for a long time. Who cares what kind of stupid, repulsive, and violence-loving beliefs somebody holds? It is when they act on those beliefs that we have a problem with them. You won’t find us raging at a Muslim who burglarizes a house for personal profit, with we claiming his beliefs made him do it (unless he claims it, since Muhammad raided caravans). But when someone shouts “Allahu akbar” while shooting the patrons of a Jewish grocery — that gets our attention.

The whole point of terrorism is to make the enemy rationally terrified of jihad. Do you think they could sell “jihadophobia” — the irrational fear of jihad? They tried to get that narrative started with the “my jihad” ad campaign but a certain heroine, with the help of her antijihadist friends, nipped that one in the bud, didn’t she? Remember, almost all terrorism is jihadist and all jihad is terrorism.

Until your supposed defenders of freedom decide to crush the jihad, it is very rational indeed to have some fear of it. But then you do something about it and by doing so become “antijihadist“. Okay?

9 years ago
Reply to  RalphB

Sorry about the all-bold portion of my above post — I left out a . I do wish one could either view before posting or re-edit. I hope not all subsequent posts are rendered in bold, as that can happen.

9 years ago
Reply to  RalphB

Mmmm a curious reply? Think I’m gonna have to call you out on it though….

I don’t know who the ‘we’ is to whom you refer as ‘long’ having referred to yourselves as ‘anti-jihadist’. Nor do I quite understand why you chose to state: ‘You won’t find us raging at a Muslim who burglarizes a house for
personal profit, with we claiming his beliefs made him do it (unless he claims it, since Muhammad raided caravans).’

Who is this ‘we’ and ‘us’ to whom you refer? I only ask because at the end of your comment you create a division between who you seem to be representing, and the commenters here when you state ‘Until your supposed defenders of freedom decide to crush the jihad’…

You also seem to be denouncing any criticism of Islam outside the activity of violent jihad and terror whilst inferring that those of us, with broader concerns, are simply ‘raging’ against Muslims.

This blog is clearly about opposition, not only to terrorism and jihad but to all the other repugnant acts committed by Muslims, in obedience to the teaching, traditions and sharia of Islam. Acts that do not always involve terror jihad and it’s attendant cry ‘alluha akbar’.

For example I’m fairly certain Muslims who chose to ‘marry’ and impregnate 12 year old girls (otherwise known as pedophilia) don’t make the jihadi cry nor do I believe they do so when performing FGM. Similarly I’m convinced no such cry is made, or jihad intended, when acid is thrown on a ‘disobedient’ wife or other forms of facial disfigurement are enacted.

I’m also quite convinced the last words a young pregnant Muslim woman recently heard, as she was being beaten and torched to death by her Muslim husband and father-in-law for disobedience, were NOT ‘alluha akbar’.

Nor is that likely to be the last sound heard by young Muslim victims of ‘honor’ killings or victims of rape – as justified by the Koran and other Islamic texts.

I’d also suggest Muslim organizations like CAIR or the MSA don’t call out ‘alluha akbar’ when attempting to subvert Western jurisprudence to achieve jihad, by stealth.

Maybe it’s just me being being Ralphophobic but you come off as if your casting aspersions? Are you?

9 years ago
Reply to  Myriam

Myriam, thank you for the thoughtful criticism. My reference to “your supposed defenders of freedom” was to people like Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Barack Obama who all had the responsibility, opportunity, and means to crush the Jihad against America (the first WTC bombing, the Cole, 9/11, the metastasizing terrorist cancer of Iran/Hesbollah/Hamas, the Taliban, Isis, etc) but who instead worried about an anti-Muslim backlash. Sorry I wasn’t more specific.

I don’t denounce criticism of Isalm outside of terrorism and Jihad, I have the same repugnance to much Islamic belief and practice as you, apparently, and quite a bit of repugnance towards all religion, but I believe in fighting where it will do the most good. I don’t know why you do not see the Muslim war against women and children as part of the jihad, but it is, of course, part and parcel of Muhammad’s desperate grasping at the pseudo self-esteem that comes with absolute power over others. That’s what Muslims mean by jihad — even when they claim to be referring to “personal struggle” — it is always the struggle to internalize the power that others, natural and supernatural, claim over their souls. Still, my primary concern is and ought to be for the safety and freedom of myself, my loved ones, and my people, so to maximize my limited resources I wish to attack the jihad against my own first.

While Islam is necessarily corrupt and evil, Muslims individually are not not necessarily so. And my point about the Muslim burglar was that: not all human failings are attributable to a person’s affiliations be they with racial, religious, political, or other collectives. To make a comparison, some parents beat their children because their lives are filled with frustration and one more nasty rejoinder from their child sends them over the edge since they have little fear of reprisals from one who is under their absolute power. Others may beat their child because they devoutly believe Proverbs 13:24: “He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.” You may reach the first type with persuasion and legal warnings but not the second — the second type of abuser must be physically punished and deterred. To move to a later belief system: One can love the sinner and hate the sin. And one can love individual Muslims while hating the darkness in which they are immersed by accident of birth (certainly not if by voluntary conversion as an adult).

When I said, “We have been self-defined as antijihad for a long time,” I was referring to aintijihadists in general, none of whom I speak for, of course, but often agree with including:


Including, of course the best warrior in the information battle space:


Most of those concentrate on the dangers of jihad, attacking Islamic beliefs because of their contribution to just that. You know the Five Pillars of Islam? They are all irrational but who cares — there is no explicit jihad there and you won’t find many electrons wasted over them on antijihad websites, will you? I obviously have no problem with criticisms of Islam as a vile and repulsive belief system, I just don’t want to spend my time on the non-essentials and concentrate on the real threats to me and mine. If I have not answered all your questions or seen your point, I’m willing to try again.

9 years ago
Reply to  RalphB

Thank you Ralph for taking the time to clear up the confusion.

I genuinely appreciate the effort you’ve made to reply and can see the jihadi principle of struggle is, as you rightly point out, applicable across many of the domains over which Muslims are exhorted to have influence and control.

I think your highlighting the broadly encompassing nature of jihad, is of itself a powerful resource, and one that can be used to win the war for the hearts and minds of those who would otherwise simply dismiss jihad as limited expression of some radical extremists.

As you well know this is the simplistic view being peddled by many Western politicians and the media and is thus being aped by those who still place a naive trust, in the institutions and organs of the state to protect and defend them. I think it is important, therefore, that we expose jihad in all its guises, against Muslim and Infidel alike. This is the only way I know, at present, to fight for ‘me and my own’.

I’m also pleased you clarified the point regarding the burglar scenario. Originally it came off as an accusation that some us were incapable of effectively analyzing the causal factors, related to a particular act or crime and were prone to falsely attributing everything to person’s religion.

Thanks also for the websites…some I haunt regularly and some I’ve not accessed before (but will be now).

Finally I must say that despite my appreciation for your reply I still feel strongly inclined not to adopt the term anti-jihad to define my overall stance against Islam. I have however deepened my perspective on jihad, thanks to you, and will gladly apply this in my future conversations/comments around the same.

Islamofiantly yours,

Myriam 🙂

Honest Citizen
Honest Citizen
9 years ago

“Lena Griffin told the city council. “It is not an issue of free speech but
clearly one of public safety.”

“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” – Benjamin Franklin

9 years ago
Reply to  Honest Citizen

Hit the nail on the head Mr F!

9 years ago
Reply to  Honest Citizen

Those who surrender Freedom for Appeasement will not have, nor do they deserve either.
All good people must resist Islamofascism and Fascist Socialism which was responsible for WW2.

9 years ago


9 years ago
Reply to  Honest Citizen

So even as they corrupt, cowardly politicos bleat about izlam being a religion of peace, they fear it. Gee, how ironic(?) or hypocritical.

Dr. Doomsday
Dr. Doomsday
9 years ago
Reply to  IslamIsFascism


9 years ago

“Do we want to be involved with this type of rhetoric?” Lena Griffin asked the council. “It is not an issue of free speech but clearly one of public safety.”

People already know islam is dangerous.. Yet bow to it..

9 years ago

You can’t yell Allah Akbar in a crowded theater.

9 years ago
Reply to  Warren

You can yell G-d Bless America in a crowded mosque.

9 years ago

Your martial arts skills better be in top form.

9 years ago
Reply to  Warren

NOT ENOUGH, your machine-gun is needed

Dr. Doomsday
Dr. Doomsday
9 years ago
Reply to  Warren

Yeah, and wear a plate carrier…

9 years ago

Wonder where I can buy bumper stickers: “GELLER RISING”

9 years ago
Reply to  gungadin


9 years ago


Raphael Smith
Raphael Smith
9 years ago

In Islam everything is one way: they have the right to insult other people religion, but Muslims kill for discussing theirs.

9 years ago

The thing Ku Klux Kair hates the most is free speech and anyone supporting America.

9 years ago

I’m islamoloathic; DEATH TO ISLAM!

Pray Hard
Pray Hard
9 years ago

The Dallas Morning News has become a dhimmi, Islamopandering, POS newspaper.

9 years ago
Reply to  Pray Hard

These dhimmi dems don’t have the moral courage to face reality. For dems it’s all about political correctness and getting the accolades of their peers for being on the right side of the issue. After all, it’s so mean to hurt someone’s feelings. To their twisted minds, it’s better to let evil fester and grow than to call it out, especially if the evil is being propogated by a minority.

You cannot explain to libs what is obvious to the rest of us. These supposedly rational intelligent adults don’t have the brains of a gnat.

9 years ago

This is what happens when you vote for a muslim candidate. They openly fight for Sharia law and against the Constitution at every given opportunity. They are not here, in this country to help you. They are here to take everything you have. Most will do that by any means necessary. Many look forward to making our streets run red with blood.. Their bible, the Quran orders them to lie and pretend to like you, to make you think you are friends, when really you disgust them. Otherwise they would not choose to be part of the most hateful, murderous and savage religion on this earth. Because here, more than any other country in the world, they are free to not be muslim.

9 years ago

Amazing that so many people who consider themselves enlightened would eagerly defend and even submit to a nihilistic retrograde cult.

9 years ago

Geewillikers…now why EVER would there be a threat to public safety over lampooning religion? Are they sayin’ the moslems might become violent or somethin’? They wouldn’t do that, would the? Better shut them cartoons down and kiss the boot of the local imam. Pay some money to a mosque as a peace offering. That’ll hold ’em off for a while anyway… Dang! Why’d we ever let them critters into the country in the first place? Can’t ever tell the nice ones from the not-nice ones doggone it.

Perfect man not mo'
Perfect man not mo'
9 years ago

Islamophobia is the questioning of the morals and ideas of anyone who believes in mo’ and calls him the perfect man . Death to islam in the WH, the USA, and the world.

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