Why Jews and Christians Must Unite In Defense Against the Global Jihad



Jews and Christians Must Unite In Defense Against the Global Jihad

By Robert Spencer

Sunday night in Los Angeles I had the great honor of
receiving the Shushan Award for Righteous Gentile from the Creative Zionist
Coalition, a noteworthy new group dedicated to the defense of Israel. At a time
when Leftist Christians are rushing to imitate the zeitgeist by condemning
Israel and initiating Nazi-style boycotts of Jewish businesses, it is useful to
recall why a Jewish-Christian alliance could be essential at this point for the
survival of the free world.

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The history of Christianity’s relationship of Judaism, of
course, is marred by innumerable incidents of antagonism and worse. Reading
histories of Catholic medieval Europe and Orthodox Russia under the czars makes
me ashamed to share the same faith as the persecutors; at the same time, while
the Catholic Church and other Christian bodies have at the highest level
rejected anti-Semitism and the interpretations of the New Testament that
buttressed it, Islamic anti-Semitism remains deeply rooted in the Qur’an and
Sunnah, and no Islamic authorities show any inclination to reexamine it.

What’s more, Islam envisions the same fate for both Jews and
Christians. Islamic law assigns both to dhimmi status: the institutionalized subjugation
that the Qur’an mandates for “the People of the Book” (cf. 9:29). The dhimmis
are forbidden to hold authority over Muslims, and so are relegated to the most
menial jobs in society; are forbidden to build new houses of worship or to repair
old ones, so that their communities are in a perpetual state of decline; and
must submit to numerous other humiliating and discriminatory regulations –
above all, the payment of the jizya, the tax that the Qur’an mandates as the
most vivid manifestation of the non-Muslims’ submission to Muslim rule.

The dhimmis’ Muslim masters throughout history worked to sow
antagonism among the various dhimmi groups, so as to ensure that they would
never band together against their oppressors. A modern example of this came in
2007, when Ingrid Mattson, then-President of the Islamic Society of North
America, a group that has admitted ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood,
said in a speech at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government that
"right-wing Christians are very risky allies for American Jews, because
they [the Christians] are really anti-Semitic. They do not like Jews.”

Mattson did not mention that her own holy book says that
Allah transformed Jews into apes and pigs (2:63-65; 5:59-60; 7:166), or that it
designates Jews “the most vehement of mankind in hostility to those who
believe” (5:82), or that it says that they are under the curse of Allah (9:30),
or that they should be warred against and subjugated (9:29). Nor does she deign
to note that the New Testament, while it does contain passages that were used
to justify anti-Semitism (although none call for or justify any violence)
contains nothing of this…vehement hostility.

What Mattson was trying to do was not to warn the Jews of a
genuine threat out of the goodness of her heart, but to sow discord among two
communities targeted by jihadis, so as to ward off the formation of a united
front. And Mattson is just one of many, and their efforts are working all too
well: some Christians are regarding Jews today with a renewed anti-Semitism disguised
as moral dudgeon directed against Israel, and some Jews view Christians with so
much suspicion that they miss genuine allies.

All this makes a united front even more necessary. The
pioneering historian Bat Ye’or has emphasized this in her writings, and her
buttressing her point recently is hard evidence that the Islamic imperative to subjugate
Jews and Christians as dhimmis is not (as Islamic apologists frequently claim
these days) a relic of the distant past, never to be revived again; on the
contrary, Muslims in Bosnia,
and Pakistan
have in recent years called for its reimposition. The elements of Islamic law
that call for jihad against Jews and Christians so as to bring them under the rule
of Sharia are very much still a part of that law; they have not been reformed
or rejected.

Jews and Christians have a common Scripture and, in numerous
ways, a common outlook. We are the children and heirs of the greatest
civilization the world has known. And today, if we do not hang together, we
shall most assuredly hang separately.

Robert Spencer is the
director of
Jihad Watch and author of
the New York Times bestsellers
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam
(and the Crusades)
and The Truth About Muhammad. His upcoming book, Not Peace But A Sword: The Great Chasm Between Christianity and Islam, will be available March 25.

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11 years ago

Athiests and Agnostics need to be united with the Christians and Jews too. Not all of us want to burn all the churches down. Probably most of us just don’t believe the theories, but have no problem with religions except for islam which threatens us all. It is obvious that if islam ever takes over our country that we can just pucker up our lips and kiss separation of moske and state goodbye.

11 years ago

and Hindus and Buddhists…ah, heck, everyone who isn’t Muslim must unite. But indeed, for sure, without a doubt Christians and Jews. Support CUFI!

11 years ago

Israel, as the standbearer of resistance of jihad in the world today, MUST have the support of free people everywhere. giving in on Israel will only encourge the jihadis to increase their attacks aganist the Western lands (like America). Christians need to see the the Jews, as fellow persecuted KUFFAR, as natural allies and we must unit. TOGETHER WE STAND; DIVDED WE FALL.

Linda Rivera
Linda Rivera
11 years ago

Israel, stand strong! Never surrender one inch of Free World Jewish land to global jihad!

Linda Rivera
Linda Rivera
11 years ago

Warren, Atheists and Agnostics, you are needed and extremely welcome to join us in the fight for our freedom, safety and very survival !

11 years ago

Congratulations, Mr. Spencer. You have been a real light of truth to a very dark world.

11 years ago

The reality in today’s world is that there are many believing Christians who support Jewish aspirations.
It is foolish therefore, to let old antagonisms get in the way of what needs to be done as Robert Spencer has correctly stated.
We Jews need them and they need us as their religion is also under attack both in the muslim world and the so-called free world as well.
Both Christians and Jews need to put their theological differences aside and fight for the common good.

11 years ago

testing…why can’t I post here any longer?

11 years ago

Whoops…I was looking on the bottom of the page, but it seems now the newest posts go to the top:.
Anyway, what I meant to say in answer to Robert Spencer’s comment:
“…At a time when Leftist Christians are rushing to imitate the zeitgeist by condemning Israel and initiating Nazi-style boycotts of Jewish businesses…”
I agree, but what chance has such a much needed solidarity got when the following just happened in Australia, a week ago: Our Hero, the courageous Mr. Geert Wilder was in Australia, boycotted by nearly all our cowardly and dhimmified politicians – this was no surprise, but he was also boycotted by the majority of the local Jewish community, led by their cowardly leaders to “distance” themselves from him. (Just in case it might displease the increasing number of jihadists we have here in Australia). Arrrrrghhhhh.
Incidentally, Geert Wilders was brought out to Australia by the same courageous group Q-Society, that brought the wonderful Mr. Robert Spencer down under.

Chip Murray
Chip Murray
11 years ago

We are all brothers in search of the Truth. It is what we do with it when we find it that separates us! I have learned to identify Truth by the courage it takes to hold it up…which is why I follow Pamela & Robert! And besides, a Christian is just a Jew who has spent more time in Calvary! 😉

11 years ago

I understand that titles should be concise and entice the reader, “Jews and Christians …” is fine, but it is not enough; everyone (Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Bahahis, Zoroastrian, Shintoists, Humanists) must unite against the global jihad.

11 years ago

As a Christian who has done some study,some that is,that has included learning the Aleph Beth,reading Jewish history,a Union Prayer Book and some Rabbi’s comments added to the fact I cannot read a Christian Bible without finding it full of Jews.I have found more similarities than differences.Of the differences many are faults or mis-conceptions of my own which indicates a need to learn more.I would urge any Christian reading this to get facts about current events and weigh them with the history of what happens every time Israel has made concessions to muslims and what happens in every other country as well.It is happening here now.WAKE UP!!!
In short, it is not my job to convert Jews to Christianity any more than a branch should tell the tree,You need to be more like me!!! Isaiah 35 in the Christian Bible tells of the future glory of Zion. I would urge all Christians to read it and “Selah”

11 years ago

Through the prism of our shared and revered scriptures, the evil of mohamad as the malevolence of islam, is clealry revealed and made evident. This is true to both believing Gentile as it is to practicing Jew. Ours is a natural alliance as is also a necessary one.
The outright disgust at islam and it’s murdering legacy is both a visceral reaction as is an intellectual rationalization, a spiritual and a existential reflection. We must be all one.

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