Hamas-CAIR Protests NYPD, Homeland Security, Self-Defense, Demands Surrender and NYPD Commish Resignation *crickets chirp*


Muslim Brotherhood front CAIR staged an anti-NYPD protest in Manhattan on Friday, marshaling all of their groups. jihad brother orgs, leftist allies, and their Muslim coalition groups, and had an abysmal turnout of under 100 people. Pretty amazing considering how much advance press they got both locally and nationally.  We had no press for any of our rallies and we had thousands join us — thousands, sometimes tens of thousands with no press coverage before or after. What a joke. Imagine, major news outlets and behemoth media like the NY Times gave Hamas-CAIR a blanket of advance publicity, and only a hundred showed, if that.

Hamas-CAIR just doesn't get it. They may have the media and the politicians fooled, but the people are on to them. And the people will defeat them, just like we defeated the Ground Zero mosque.

Pamela Hall was there and recorded the anti-American, anti-law enforcement jihadists and seditionist clowns. Kisten to what they are saying, America has no inkling:

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THE MUSLIM UMMA (anti-NYPD) Protest -NYC -2012- Videos

February 6, 2012,

 This rally of protest against the NYPD had many speakers with  claims of ‘racism’ against the whole police department; all because of one film.

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“The rally was called by Majlis Al-Shura and DRUM

DRUM- Desis Rising Up and Moving is a multi-generational, membership led organization of working class South Asian immigrants in New York City.  Desi is a common term used by people of South Asian descent to identify as people from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and parts of the diaspora including Africa, England, Fiji, Guyana, and Trinidad.  (“No Human is Illegal”)

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Other supporters of the protest against the NYPD:

Arab Muslim American FederationCouncil on American Islamic Relations- New York (CAIR-NY)Muslim American Society (MAS)Al-Awda NYThe Mosque of Islamic BrotherhoodSocial Justice Task Force of Muslim Alliance in North AmericICNA New YorkMuslim Peace Coalition-USA, NYPakistan Solidarity NetworkNational Congress for Puerto Rican RightsPAKISTAN USA FREEDOM FORUMThe Justice CommitteeProject SALAMBAYAN USAInternational Socialist OrganizationYemeni American Coalition for ChangeDefending Dissent FoundationMay 1st Coalition for Worker and Immigrant Rights

NYC Coalition to Stop Islamophobia
World Can’t WaitAmerican-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)Arab American Action Network (AAAN)Turning Point for Women and FamiliesAsian American Legal Defense Fund (AALDEF)International Action CenterWESPAC FoundationAd Hoc Coalition to Defend the Egyptian RevolutionCommittee to Stop FBI Repression-NYMuslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA)

Black UnityCAAAV

Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ)

Jews Against Islamophobia

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A long list of supporters, yet they didn’t pull together much of a crowd. There were lots of cameras followed by spare reportage.  Yet midst those carefully chosen words of “reconciliation” I was hearing reverse racism and calls for riots and violence in the streets, so I let the camera roll-on.

“This is what Democracy looks like  “Rails against mass incarceration. Demands Community Control of the Police. We need to be in control of the police in NYC. SILENCE is CONSENT”

So who hears this stuff? Like this angry, ANGRY woman.

She’s not too happy with Obama. Claims institutional racism is even more blatant under a black President.  Points out the Muslims in these country are mostly African-American. Government concerned about recruitment of blacks in prison. THEY have jammed-packed our prisons with young blacks and Latinos….looking to ensnare, to entrap those brothers and sisters in this BOGUS War against terrorism…The REAL TERROR lies in the NYPD.  (3:56) 

Get ready in 2012. You ain’t seen nothing yet. Mass demonstrations. Your anger being expressed on the street. We have to hit the streets in the millions. That is our history. Our future. And HISTORY will absolve us.

Our kids hear this propaganda every day in their ‘sensitivity’ indoctrination classes and they read in their text-books. High school, college, even the reviled NYPD gets the same ‘sensitivity’.

 This guy starts out with….”the NYPD is a subversive, terrorist group. Ray Kelly is Irish Catholic . He slams Irish-Catholics… (but he’s just kidding)… People we call Muslims are 1.5 billion in the world. Not chump-change. 1.5 billion  who serve allah. Can’t blame a whole group for actions of a few… Not the people painted as terrorists. They are hard working. Just trying to get by. Not trying to take over. Show some RESPECT, Ray Kelly. (and launches in to this chant)We gotta make Kelly and Brown go out of town”

(Point of fact, the film does not blame all Muslims)

And of course, our churches and synagogues. We had a priest representing the Christian support groups… but also….

ALL people of faith (faith traditions). There is a deep spiritual sickness in this city. All of us HUMANS can do better….bad ideas have infected this great city…the sickness spreads when we LIE about it. Call-out bigotry and intolerance.FEAR will be checked in NYC. We will SET the TONE for this PLANET………AMEN


CAIR-NY Civil Rights Manager Cyrus McGoldrick (a “revert”… in college… from Roman Catholicism)….  and his associate, the smarmy Zead Ramadan, President of Hamas-linked CAIR- NY was seen laughing within the crowd. I think he and Cyrus looked forward to a playful personal shout out to moi while I was filming. (:0027) Whatever I smiled as did he and then he launched in to his woeful tails of NYPD racism…. He asks:

Is this Justice? Is this Good Government? He also intoned, and was parroted by the crowd (3:17)

“When people come between us, what do we do?  We LOVE one another. What do we do? We LOVE one another. What do we do…?

He also mocked that wikipedia was a source of info for the NYPD. Could this be the same Mulsim friendly encyclopedia source that rights so glowing of Islam, and slanders anyone who attempts to correct their re-tooled history? NOW, wiki is a joke? hmmmm. And in parting, asks the media to “Keep Shedding Light On The Truth”.

Linda Sarsour is the director of the Arab American Association of New York and works for the Muslim American Civil Liberties Coalition. Attends the Islamic Society of Bay Ridge. 

“She DEMANDS the resignation of Keely and Brown caused the LIED. The NYC Police department actually participated in the production of the Third Jihad. And they  demand the re-education of the 1500 police officers who saw the Third Jihad film. The NYPD. Bloomberg’s Army. We demand our civil rights. and Our Civil Liberties.”

In the last five years, the Arab-American Association of New York, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in December, has quintupled its budget to a half-million dollars, drawn from individual donations and foundation support from the likes of the New York Foundation, the Union Square Awards, and the Brooklyn Community Foundation. It is the front line of American acculturation, if not integration, for tens of thousands of ESL-hungry Arab immigrants from Palestine, Morocco, Algeria, and beyond. The organization plays more or less the role that Abraham Cahan’s

Forward played for the immigrants of Eastern Europe a century ago.

The executive director of the organization is Linda Sarsour, 31, a Palestinian-American mother of three who wears the hijab and plans to become the first Arab-American on the New York City Council when she runs in 2017, after the local seat opens up. Sarsour, who took over the organization in 2005 and has raised its profile tremendously—she was honored in December as one of 10 Champions of Change by the White House—travels a lot on behalf of the association.


NYC Council Members who spoke against the Mayor, the Commissioner and the NYPD: 

Former Blank Panther and Marxist Loving, Israel hating Charles Barron of the Freedom Party Barron a long-list of what he claims to be racist murders of NYC blacks by the NYPD . The film was tacked-on as he also suggested that the Wall Street Ponzi scheme criminals be subjected to the NYPD Stop and Frisk. He also threatened violence (2:44) 


Melissa Mark-Viverito, represents East Harlem and parts of the Bronx She called the NYPD “out of control.  Her talking-points,

“The A.P. Report. A Grave injustice. Our people profiled for  their religion. It’s UN-American. She warns Bloomberg, Kelly and Brown, that we will not remain silent against the INJUSTICE in this City.”

Councilman, Robert Jackson (a “revert”) at a CAIR banquet in 2007, was oh so coy and acted like an”angel unawares” when quizzed about CAIR and it’s ‘un-indicted’ co-conspirator status. More recently, at a Muslim Day Parade, he proclaimed Harlem as the New Mecca. He speaks today, apparently, to correct a misquote:

“Dave Friedlander, a blog, some of what I said was out of context. I viewed the entire film, it has a negative impact on all Muslims. It focuses on extreme Muslims, but you have to watch even those who are not extreme. Brown lied, as Deputy Commissioner, he has to go. mayor must reach-out to  build trust


Marxist-loving, City Council member, Ydanis Rodriquez, District 10 in Northern Manhattan. (At 2:34)

Says “the film did nothing to improve the relationship of the police with our communities. The Muslim, Jewish, Latino, Black, Asian Communities. All they do is to make this a great Nation. (notice anybody missing from that list?) and with a bit of an over-reach, he says, “Whoever made this video should be in jail.”

And there were also a couple of State Senators thrown in for good measure, one who bled on about how difficult is was to be a gay politician….

MAS-NY (Muslim American Society) board member Abdel Hafid Djamil. (He spoke in 2010 at the Community Board meeting on Staten Island  during  the opposition a selling a Catholic Church and turning it in to a msoque)

“An apology is NOT enough . The training of the 500 officers who were required to watch a prejudicial, inaccurate and vile video starring the police commissioner (requires) the establishment of community control of the NYPD; to over-see the conduct of the NYPD. They  calls on Christine Quinn to investigate the illegal actions of the NYPD against New Yorkers

Brother Shaka Shakur , member of the Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood and founder of  the United Muslim Alliance. Shakur reminds of us of where we are standing.

That we must do our research. These people, what we call the police, this is nothing new. They were called “Paddy-rollers” , they were designed to keep the slaves ‘in-line’. (00:53)Today the police are ‘keeping people in line’ by means of ‘murder and mayhem’. Their strength is in ‘dis-unity’. We can’t wait til something happens to get united.”

Paddy (rollers?) Thought ‘ paddy’ was a reference to the Irish…..not to slaves….

Donna Nevel of “Jews Against Islamophobia” is also very, VERY anti-Israel. Does she EVER smile? ( wow…I found a picture…smiling in the background here) Yet, this is a woman so filled with inner -darkness that to be in her ‘space’ is so NOT a positive experience. Amongst her own, at this race-rally, apparently they LOVE her) as she DEMANDED 

 “Police accountability. Over-sight. Resignation of Kelly and Brown for fomenting and INSTIGATING Islamophobia.”


[No pro-Hamas demonstration would be complete without its token kapo Nevel – Pamela Geller]

 Center For Constitutional Rights Police Reform Campaign  was a young woman looking a lot like a Lamis Deek clone. She addressed racial profiling of blacks and Latinos. Claims the NYPD never seems to answer to anyone. Operates with impunity. Insists we need transparency and independent over sight of the NYPD


Al-Hajj Talib Abdur-Rashid, a REVERT Southern Baptist to Islam and Imam of the Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood and is always surrounded by BIG tough thugs. He was the final speaker before their march.

According to Discover the Network Rashid is

  • Imam of the Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood
  • Opposes the U.S. War on Terror
  • Views America as a nation infested with white racism

And author of a revisionist history book, Reclaimed Legacy: Muslim Indigenous and Immigrant Peoples and The History of Al-Islam in America.”…Peace be upon you…. (NOT)

In the video he says:

This is the Time of Revealed Truth.  The Year of the Protestor. And those who LIE. How do we know? Because people of conscience told the truth. This is the time of revealed truth. And those who are Muslim. Trust in Allah. Over come our fears. And to stand for Justice. Chanting:

What do we have to do? Stand For Justice (etc)

Commissioner Ray Kelly’s apology was necessary, but it is NOT sufficient. They have yet to apologize for the INTENTIONAL misleading of New Yorkers as far as that film was concerned.

They took our money, as taxpayers, and then LIED to us.


This unusual fellow joined this protest and was at the anti-War/Iran Rally the next day:
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Video  playlist of all 18 videos:

As the protest marched to the precinct, I heard repeated a few times,

“Kelly’s son is a rapist. Kelly’s son is a rapist” and the even more unpleasant, “How many kids did you shoot today. How many kids did you KILL today” as they walked passed the officers at the edge off the crowd. Nice way to foster “Good Will”

Followed by prayers back at Foley Square:

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A re-cap of their demands:

1. The resignation of Commissioner Kelly and NYPD spokesperson Paul Browne
2. Demand for community control of the NYPD, and a well-funded oversight mechanism with subpoena power

The NYPD has been exposed for participating in the making of, and the showing of the bigoted, Islamophobic film, “The Third Jihad” to 1,500 police officers, and then repeatedly lying about it.  The NYPD has been spying on Muslim communities in mosques, schools, businesses, colleges, and community centers in the five boroughs.

The film depicts the majority of American Muslims as supportive of violent extremism, and specifically names several prominent Muslim organizations ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America), MAS (Muslim American Society), CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), ISNA (Islamic Society of North America), and others as examples of this.  It also accuses the majority of American Muslims of secretly being part of a conspiracy to take over the U.S. government. 

Commissioner Ray Kelly willingly participated in the making of the film, and while he has apologized, he has not explained why the NYPD chose to lie, on the record, about his participation for well over a year. In the meantime, Commissioner Kelly has smugly dismissed community concerns by saying he has “excellent relations” with NYC Muslim communities on the basis of only talking and meeting with those hand-picked leaders who continue to support him without regards to the experiences and feelings of people in our communities. We know that the NYPD has operated without transparency or accountability, and often with brute force, with Black, Latino, and other communities of color, and youth for decades.


After 1,400 years, the Shias are being targeted

in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Pakistan, everywhere,” imam Malik Sakhawat Hussain said after being told that his mosque was in the NYPD document. “If U.S. authorities become suspicious of the Shias, I would say we are a very oppressed community of the world.”

More pictures and videos here.

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12 years ago

they only want
to get away with their crimes
as a matter of right
just like in arabia

12 years ago

This absolutely confuses the dickin’s outta me. This IS the same NY that suffered through 9/11? Right?
Why in hell are they allowing theses Monster Muslims dictate to them what they can and cannot do!!!
NY! Where are your balls?

Revnant Dream
Revnant Dream
12 years ago

My Dad used to say when someone points a gun on you, than says their going to kill you. You believe them. Diplomacy is not an option anymore. This is not about goods or tariffs, even land. This is your death or stopping the would be killer. You have to fight or die! This is a hard truth, but should be obvious. If you are deluded enough not to believe what these people are saying. Your dead.
When the blue iron of a gun is sticking in your guts, survival is the only option at any cost. This too is a hard fact. They are not joking. There is nothing you can do to stop them except strike first.
Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel
Iran lays out legal case for genocidal attack against ‘cancerous tumor’
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said the opportunity must not be lost to remove “this corrupting material. It is a ‘jurisprudential justification” to kill all the Jews and annihilate Israel, and in that, the Islamic government of Iran must take the helm.”

12 years ago

Who’s that evil-looking bearded gnome with the purple cap and green banner? In several pictures he has the eyes of a madman. Actually it doesn’t matter. These people (assuming they are indeed somewhat human, of course) are completely irrelevant. The time for tolerating the intolerant is quickly running out.

John K
John K
12 years ago

Sure right about Wikipedia going dhimmi. Anything against Islam has to be sidelined in “Criticism of Islam” articles. What kid doing school research is going to think of even looking for such an article? They are going to go straight for the regular Islam article.
It’s not any better on Obama either. I put a note in the Karl Denninger article that he had done a series of videos exposing the Long Form Birth Certificate, and it was deleted for violating that policy on defamation in biographies of living persons. Like Karl is going to care. They are his videos and his words I was quoting. Or are they concerned about defaming Obama? But I didn’t write in Obama’s article, and as a public figure, Obama is not covered by privacy laws.

John K
John K
12 years ago

Oh, and about the sign to say “no” to a police state…
Wait until they get their morality police going. Then you will know what a police state is.

12 years ago

If these Muslim fascist creeps take over Occupy Wall Street, this will be what Sharia law looks like. We don’t need a democracy where people like this get elected by misleading the masses with trite maxims like you must love each other. Why should we love people who are here to destroy our American democratic REPUBLIC? This is what the USA looks like. No fascim, no Sharia, no Caliphate.
When the Jews try to make a presence in OWS, they are made a laughting stock. They made Lotion Man into a poster boy for antisemitsm, when he is actually there as a Jew himself represnting who he is. I want to see more Jewish voices bieng aired there. Isreal is the closest coutnerpart to the USA in terms of government. This is what we want to see restored and preserved.
If some Palestinians were displaced, yes that is wrong. The USA has the same shame with the Native Americans. But the general concept of these governments is good. These people spreading the cause of Islam use people’s sympathies to get them to agree to things that are against who we are and what we stand for. Nobody is perfect, but nobody is perfectly innocent either. Don’t fall for just another demigogue.
People at OWS have all different kinds of solutions to the problem. Living under Muslim sheiks is not the answer.
It seems like they are just trying to get any type of protests going to overthrow the city.

12 years ago

American Mohammedanism is identical to Nazism.
The reason why these terrorists get more press is because they are willing to use violence. Anti-Catholic? You’ll get a stern letter from Bill Donahue. Anti-semitic? You’ll win an award from the Leftists. But anti-Shari’ah???!!!! You and your family will be ritually slaughtered to Mohammed.
TENS OF THOUSANDS of innocent people were killed or injured because the Quranic leadership of CAIR & Co. didn’t like a cartoon. Think about the fear that journalists work under knowing that American Muslonazis are ready to kill you for even a cartoon they don’t like.
As for that stupid Jew, she thinks that by appeasing the Muslonazis they are going to save her? Ask the anti-Zionist Jews of Baghdad or Hebron how that worked out for them. American Mohammedans joyfully slaughter their own daughters; they’ll have no problem turning on their liberal allies.

Nat's daughter
Nat's daughter
12 years ago

Elaine, you are SO correct. My beloved NY no longer exists.

Kafir Harby
Kafir Harby
12 years ago

No to a police state? How about NO TO A SHARIA STATE?

Person of the Book
Person of the Book
12 years ago

“After 1,400 years, the Shias are being targeted”
You mean the “muslims” got away with oppressing the infidel for 1400 years, before we finally responded?

12 years ago

As if we need anymore EVIL on our shores! Norman Finkelstein is coming to spread his vile bile and hatred for Israel in our schools! People should be asking why Mr Thomas Ralph Espley, the Principal, why he is allowing this – as if we didn’t know!
When Finkelstein has finished brainwashing the kids at Henley, he goes onto, Belfast, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Exeter and at Imperial College, London. Israel has banned this man from their country yet we allow him on our UK shores. Why on earth are we allowing this evil man here?? Why are people not standing up against this? Read the taqqiya comments too. 🙁
College urged to drop controversial speaker

Uncle Samuel
Uncle Samuel
12 years ago

Time to tell them NO and tell them if they don’t like it, go to a Sharia country and live in peace or else.
Show them the Constitution based on the Holy Bible and tell them this is the way it is. If you don’t like it – GO.
We will not tolerate barbaric, intolerant, unjust, misogynist, violent, unconstitutional, inhumane, vile, repugnant Muslim Sharia in the US. Period.

12 years ago

i thank the NYPD fro telling the turth about Islam, even if only a little. and CAIR should stay out of this busniess. why should theis terror-linked group have any say in this?

12 years ago

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH NEW YORK AND AMERICA ???????????????????????????????????

12 years ago

I can’t believe the city allows that praying in the street nonsense.
When are Americans going to understand that it is nothing more than provocation – a statement that says “We are MUSLIMS, we are here to TAKE OVER your country and you can do NOTHING about it!!”
We better get some real leadership in Washington soon or we are toast.

12 years ago

“Fire Kelly”
5:51 “O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors”
5:33 unbelievers (who reject pay jizayah 9:29) “crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides”
5:38 “(thiefs) cutt of hands”
24:2 “(adulterers) folg them with 100 stripes”
24:4 “(rape victims) flog them with 80 stripes”
9:29 “Fight those who do not believe in Allah”
9:5 “Kill the unbeleivers (in the Oness of Allah, mushrikun) wherever ye find them”
4:89 “(apostates) Slay them”
4:56 “Those who reject our Signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire:
as often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins,
that they may taste the penalty: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.”
8:12 “…I (pedo Allah 65:4) will instil terror [Islam is a terroist organisation] into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks [beheading with knife/sword] and smite all their finger-tips off them [finger-tips amputating].”
“SHOW ISLAM NO RESPECT … It’s all about the Koran stupid Kafir” (Page 271)
Video: Page iv “… smash it (Islam) into pieces and pulverize it!” Reforming impossible! by Dr. Ali Sina, ex-Muslim

Lynn Boeltz....
Lynn Boeltz....
12 years ago

Where are those protesting against this type of “terrorism”; and it is a form of terrorism people. They are in your face, up your “butt” and all over you, why? well of course for “THEIR” rights. In Islam you don’t have rights, not under Islamic law – sharia law; and this is what they want.
Where are the people who appreciate those who make these decision, to monitor terrorism, so that we can live “FREE”! Where are the people who shout, yes I said shout, at these Totlarian Ideologists’. Letting them know that, IT’S THEIR RELIGION, AND IT’S BECAUSE OF THEM AND THEIR INSANITY that we have to spend billions of dollars to defend against THEIR TERRORIST ATTACKS!
It wasn’t “Mormon missionaries or Amish men” who flew planes into the WTC, or had to be wrestled with on flight “92”; so …. there is a reason the statement, “not all muslims are terrorist, but all terrorist are muslim,” and that’s because it’s “True”.
Every American, that includes you muslims, who likes life and liberity …. who remembers 911 and over 18,000 terrorist attacks since should be screaming back right now.
The only time you hear from a muslim is when he’s trying to shove something down your throat or take your rights away; and then he’s telling YOU, it’s your fault, these are his rights.
Sorry, if your a muslim and you don’t like what has’t to be done to keep people safe from the insanity of Islam which is poured out by your muslim brothers and sisters on innocent people …. oh well live with it, and you’ll probably do that much more peacefully in a country that supports your religious beliefs. Because I have a right to live safely and free. I look on Islam as “evil,” and muslims as insane.
This is just the “BEGINNING” people, and if you fold now forget it; start saying you’re prayers 5-times a day and wearing burkas. If you want to live your life in safety and freedom, your voice should be heard NOW! Otherwise start appoligizing to your childrens’ children for the freedoms “You” allowed to be taken.
By OUR silence the future generations will judge the evil WE allowed to florish.

12 years ago

Thank you Pamela for exposure of those cockroaches and their agenda. I hope after this “march of cockroaches” Mr. Kelly will continue doing his job even better.

12 years ago

I’ll tell you what happened but the truth always hurts. This country turned PC and “tolerant” so that loose and immoral behavior became the right of the day. No one can use their critical thinking because the PC thought police said it wasn’t nice. The whole system is down and no one is trying to get it up and running again because it’s been down for so long. Let me tell you, “the greatest generation” would never have put up with this BS when they were in charge and running the show. Alas…they are dying and aged. They are just witnessing and with no ability to fight it, a complete undermine of all they worked so hard to achieve.
We have so many people “ashamed in their adult life to call themselves American” until Obama came along. What they are so ashamed of? I have no idea.
Every single day I thank the good Lord for the fact that I was born here in the USA.
I am so proud to be raised from my youth to look around me and never and I mean never, forget that I was blessed and privilaged. Then I grew up and as an adult, and with my eyes wider than ever, have seen and experienced first hand why it is to be so thankful. I could never denounce my flag or my country and I could never stand to lose our national identity by being so ungrateful and indifferent with negative speech of her and negative activisim of her. I think any person to go against our national identity in pursuit of something else HATES good, HATES light,
HATES love, HATES freedom, HATES independence, HATES life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is what I think.

USNavy retired
USNavy retired
12 years ago

I want a police state where the police us the Constitution of the United States where all Men and Women from all nations living in America live within its rules and regulations and laws. The way its always been in the land of the free and the Brave. Shria law and anyone wanting this insane horrific law where murder and mayham are the norm, where anyone who doesn’t want it becomes its victim, where women are treated like cattle and are slautered just the same, where small girls as young as 4 years are married off to a perverted religion that says this is normal, where Muslim fag men destroy women (HONOR KILLING)and put them into enslavement and death when the women disagree on anything. You call yourself Human…..Repent your sins before it is to late for the time will come when every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!!!

Ubin Bushwhacked
Ubin Bushwhacked
12 years ago

So when the bullets/bombs start flying in Iran, then these Mosques in support of the Iran regime, should be placed under quarantine, until so time Iran returns to a TRULY free state again. And the Theocracy have been TRULY overthrown.
I have a work associate here in Australia. He is originally from Iran. He is very up on the pulse of the people of Iran. Like is happening to Egypt right now, Iranian’s thought their ousting of the Shaw would usher in a new found era of Freedom and Democracy they felt the Shaw had not fully given them. My friend Irag now looks back and says this move was not Iranian’s best move. As the Islamic hard liners snatched their true Freedom and Democracy out from under them. This is what is now happening in Egypt. Irag says soon Iran will come back to TRUE Freedom and TRUE Democracy. But much blood will be shed between now and then. THIS is what Egypt has to look forward to. Muslims/Islam just does not learn from their mistakes. Unfortunately they may never. The proud Egyptians will now be absorbed into the camp of Islam. Another proud race of people is extinguished.

12 years ago

Something Beck said a while back, which is true, yet many won’t face up to it:
Groups from the hardcore socialists, communists, left and extreme Islam, will work together because they are the common enemy of capitalism and the Western way of life.
Groups from the hardcore socialists, communists, left and extreme Islam, will work together to overturn relatively stable countries, because in the status quo, they are ostracised from power and the mainstream, in most parts of the world.
Groups from the hardcore socialists, communists, left and extreme Islam, will work together because they are the common enemy of Israel.

12 years ago

sorry o/t again, but omg, this is dreadful 🙁 This poor kid’s battered face.
(quote from the article: “There were seven or eight attackers. They are Asian, in their late teens or early 20s”) – in the UK, when Asian is mentioned, you can guarantee, 99.99% they are islamic)
Hyde gang attack on 17-year-old Daniel Stringer-Prince ‘treated as race hate crime’ by police

12 years ago

Grandpa, Grandma,
I don’t know quite what to say,
But this city you came to America through
Has grown sick and died away.
The leader we trusted to lead us
Has led with a Judas’s kiss
You never dreamed in your wildest dreams —
And we’re not even sure who he is.
America has been invaded
Without a shot being heard.
The strangers coming are different now,
And they cannot be deterred.
Where once you ran free with your playmates
From London and Brussels and Cork
Now pagans worship their idols
On the sidewalks of New York.
I could go on but I feel sick enough already.

12 years ago

Sting operations and mosque espionage has prevented further violent terror attacks in America. If it works, there is no need to change. Muslims cannot be trusted in America. Their ideology is at war against us.

12 years ago

:)fightin back tears here…I’m so angry.
Pictured: Swollen face of trainee chef left for dead after he was savagely beaten ‘by Asian gang in hate crime attack’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2097330/Pictured-Swollen-face-trainee-chef-left-dead-savagely-beaten-Asian-gang-hate-crime-attack.html#ixzz1ldHbfia4

Uncle Samuel
Uncle Samuel
12 years ago

In the UK, ‘Asian’ is a code word (PC) for Islamic.
Almost all rapes of women in the UK are committed by ‘Asians’.
These ‘Asians’ feel entitled. It’s their sick lust-based misogynistic culture.

know what i'm sayin
know what i'm sayin
12 years ago

“praying in the street nonsense.”
total farkin NUISANCE
tell em “who gives a ratsass what you want” GTFO of the country

who noes when
who noes when
12 years ago

Posted by: fern | Monday, February 06, 2012 at 02:43 PM
well they are FINALLY declaring that white people actually have HATE crimes committed against them…. Who knows when they’ll stop with the BULLSHIT lies about “asians”

Auntie Izlam
Auntie Izlam
12 years ago

If this is how they behave at less than 5% of the population, what do you think will happen at 25%?
Are you aware of their breeding productivity?
Do you know how many more the UN & the Chicago Jesus have slated for arrival?
Do your research and start taking action before it’s too late.

Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!