It’s Official: Pro-Jihad MTA Bans Pro-Israel Ads, Runs Anti-Israel Ads


The pro-jihad MTA is refusing my ad for the word “savage.” Just so you know, I will be suing, with the aid of my inestimable legal team, David Yerushalmi and Robert Muise of the Thomas More Law Center. We are what? 4-0, now? Tarazi lawsuit roundly defeated, check. Detroit/SMART Transit on “Leaving Islam” bus ad lawsuit, check. MTA on the Ground Zero Bus ads lawsuit, check. Miami Transit for “Leaving Islam” bus ads lawsuit, check.

I will say this until someone in those clueless ivory towers of the sharia-compliant MTA understands this. “Savage” is accurate. The pro-jihad MTA cannot ban the the truth, particularly in the political arena:


Story continues below advertisement
1. fierce, ferocious, or cruel; untamed
2. uncivilized; barbarous

Palestinians throwing rocks at a 20-month-old baby is savage. The targeting of civilians is savage. The relentless 60-year campaign of terror against the Jewish people is savage. The torture of hostage Gilad Shalit is savage. The bloody hacking to death of the Fogel family is savage. Munich was savage. The unspeakable torture of Ehud Goldwasser is savage. The tens of thousands of rockets fired from Gaza into Southern Israel (into schools, homes, etc.) are savage. The vicious Jew-hatred behind this genocide is savage. The endless demonization of the Jewish people in the Pali and Arab media is savage. The refusal to recognize the state of Israel as a Jewish state is savage. The list is endless.

Here is the latest from the quislings:

Dear Pam,

Thank you for your ad submission; in its current version, we do not approve this ad for the reasons set forth below and the MTA’s Director of Real Estate has concurred pursuant to Section 5.05 ( C )(2) of the MTA’s Advertising Standards. (A copy of those Standards is attached.). Regarding issue-oriented advertisements we do not approve or disapprove such advertisements for display of the MTA’s transit system based upon the viewpoint expressed. As you may know, we have recently accepted for display paid advertisements submitted by organizations on the subject of U.S. military aid to Israel and the Palestinian Authority’s relationship with Israel that have expressed strongly competing views.
Your proposed ad, however, contains language that, in our view, does not conform with the MTA’s advertising standards regarding ads that demean an individual or group of individuals as set forth in Section 5.05(B)(11) of the MTA’s Advertising Standards.

We invite you – as provided in Section 5.05 ( C )(3) of the Advertising Standards – to discuss with us possible revisions to your ad; should you choose to submit a revised ad, we will review that submission promptly. Alternatively, if you do not want to consider any possible revisions, you may ask us to obtain from the MTA its formal and final determination of whether this ad conforms with its Advertising Standards.

Kenneth S. Pober
CBS Outdoor
Vice President
New York Market Manager

Download Advertising Standards

Previously at Atlas: VIDEO: Pamela Geller on WPIX News: MTA Bans Pro-Israel Subway Ads, Approves Anti-Semitic Ads

NY Post: “Blogger battling MTA over ads give agency ultimatum”

 NY Daily News: “Blogger Pamela Geller vows to sue MTA if subway ad calling Israel’s enemies ‘savages’ isn’t approved”

CBS Outdoor/NYC Transit Delays Approval of AFDI Pro-Israel Campaign Despite Approving Anti-Israel Subway Ads

CBS Outdoor/NYC Transit to Run Antisemitic Ads

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12 years ago

Islam is a savage ideology created by a savage murderer, torturer, rapist and pedophile for his own ends….this is truth not hate speech…..

12 years ago

What’s amusing to me is that MTA automatically assumes that the word “savage” refers to the Palestinians. Isn’t that somewhat insulting on the part of the MTA?
Of course it’s accurate to use the word savage, but don’t the Pali’s and their supporters claim that the “indigenous peoples” are somehow more nobel and the Israelis/Western world are corrupt oppressors and therefore less civil?
Shouldn’t the MTA allow the viewer to decide for him/herself what the ad means? I think the ad was deliberately ambiguous for this purpose. MTA seems to be denying not only First Amendment rights but also limiting artistic expression.

Ronald W. Satz, Ph.D.
Ronald W. Satz, Ph.D.
12 years ago

Pamela, I recently contributed $25 to your legal fund, via David Horowitz; I wish I could contribute more, but the commie-Democrats have wrecked the economy….

12 years ago

The use of the word “savage” is, in my opinion, kind. They deserve even harsher terminology.

12 years ago

One can only hope at this point that Ms Geller and the Atlas Shrugs team can stir up enough of a hornet’s nest to force MTA to back down.
Just like with the Ground Zero Mosque the govt of the city of New York needs to know that there are people who will not tolerate the spread of Islamic supremacy propaganda.
What would really be good to see are signs that advertise an historical fact, that “THERE IS NO SUCH COUNTRY AS PALESTINE AND NO SUCH PEOPLE AS PALESTINIANS”
Perhaps if signs were made with this message, and demonstrations took place at MTO locations they might be more agreeable to Ms.Geller’s ads that at least, do not question the right of Arabs to promote this fake entity they call Palestine, they just question the savage way that it is being done.

Kate b
Kate b
12 years ago

Use the other words in parenthesis Kate b

12 years ago

They always make this argument when they initially refuse your ads Pamela. They too shall learn though.
I’ll be able to make a contribution in a couple of days to help with the legal fees. It may not be all that much, but something.

12 years ago

Your ad urges people to support Israel and defeat “Jihad”, implying that members of the former are civilized while members of the latter are “savages”. It’s certainly fair to say that elements of the war between the Israelis and some Jihadis has been savage, but not to say that all Jihadis are savages.
When considered grammatically, the “savage” used in your ad is clearly a noun, and not an adjective as you have defined it. Further, “savage” as a noun is defined as: an uncivilized human being, a fierce, brutal, or cruel person, a rude, boorish person, a member of a preliterate society.
To the extent that all jihadis (and Palestinians) do not meet that definition, MTA is correct in its assessment. While I sympathize with your position, it’s a fair bet that your challenge will fail.

12 years ago

Dear Pam,
This is merely a suggestion.Maybe, if you can find an applicable quote by a noted
writer, statesman, or whoever has recognizable credibility, that includes the word ,’savage’, or ‘barbarians,’
preferably, in relation to Muslims, or Islam, you could get around it that way. Churchill is a good source.
Or you could show the photo and ask, “What would you call these attacks? ” ” Is this the definition of ‘civilization’ as Americans know it? Is this ‘civilized’? Define it.” But make sure the attacker is identifiable as a Muslim jihadist in the photo. This is only a suggestion.

12 years ago

where exactly are there “anti israel” ads in New York subways or buses?

12 years ago

SAVAGES(noun) are those who do SAVAGE(Adjective) DEEDS?
That it’s ASSUMED who are the SAVAGES,speaks for itself as to HOW SAVAGE THEY ARE.
Here ,I just wrote about UNAMED SAVAGES and I’m sure it’s UNDERSTOOD which SAVAGES I’m referring to.
Now,since they’re SYNONOMOUS with the word SAVAGE,they have NOTHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT!

12 years ago

Marvin Scott is real on top of things. At :57 he calls Pamela “Paula Geller”; at 2:00 he gets her name right. Oh, and identifying Pamela as an “Anti-Islam activist” is also a little off the mark. It’s the jihad, stupid. The guy is lazy and didn’t do his research.

Laurie from Bartlett
Laurie from Bartlett
12 years ago


12 years ago

“Islam is the most retrograde force on Earth,” proclaimed Winston Churchill
zat take care of it? (however, i think you’ll have to explain retrograde to the dumbmasses)

J. Guidry, Battlefield, MO.
J. Guidry, Battlefield, MO.
12 years ago

I look at all that is going on in NY and wonder why the city/state is so pro-islam? My thought is some high ranking officials are being paid off to allow the “religion of peace” to have a complete run on the city/state of NY.
Why anyone would live in NYC is beyond me. Been there, didn’t like it, at all. Now I would be armed before even driving through the place, or avoid it entirely if I could.
Thank you, Pam, for the fight you have taken on. We in the heartland do appreciate your efforts.

12 years ago

Damn Pamela, what a whore you are.

12 years ago

Get over it you pig. If they let you and your ad go, then the Arabs can put up an ad “Jews are…..” and you would have NOTHING to say about it.

12 years ago

Ms. Geller, you are such a liar it makes me sick.
It is true that human beings do savage things to each other. It is true that some of the people doing savage things to each other are muslims. It is not true that all muslims are savages. It is not true that muslims as a group are significantly more savage than any other religion. You claim that the MTA is discriminating against you and curtailing your freedom of speech, citing other ads to do with religion that it has allowed. Most of those (Jews for Jesus, Muslims for Peace, two peoples one future, etc) are in favor of a particular group. Even the refuge from islam ad refrained from insulting islam. You, by contrast, seek to
As a New Yorker, I find your antics pathetic and disgusting in general. I’d shake hands with any muslim in the world before I’d voluntarily endure your company – well, for any purpose other than throwing rotten tomatoes at you.
Not only are you poisoning our public discourse by trying to convince people to hate their fellow Americans over a matter of religion, but you are also going to make our already broke MTA waste money defending itself from your spurious lawsuit.
Finally, I’d like to mention that my spouse works off Park Place. I’ve been past the site of the “Ground Zero Mosque” or whatever you’re calling it these days numerous times. From where it will be located, one can’t even *see* the WTC site, but that doesn’t stop you from making up all kinds of absurd and ludicrous objections about it. You deliberately lie: “The 15-story triumphal mosque on burial ground, site of the largest attack ever on American soil in the name of Islam” you wrote in the post “” (and you’ve written similar things numerous other times, I’m sure). In reality, The facility you refer to *is not* on a burial ground – it is several blocks away. The attack of 9/11 did not take place on Park Place, but rather south of Fulton, which is 3 blocks south of Park. I would tell you to look at a map, except that it’s obvious that you don’t care about accuracy, you just want to rile up gullible people.

12 years ago

Ending military funding to Israel isn’t anti-semetic. It’s just good policy. There is no longer any reason to fund a beach-head in the middle east. we are well in there. And israel can stand on it’s own economically. our erant association with that illegal state has been the slow steady cause of our downfall. Truman, the first to recognize that bastard state said it best:
“The Jews, I find, are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as D[isplaced] P[ersons] as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the under dog. Put an underdog on top and it makes no difference whether his name is Russian, Jewish, Negro, Management, Labor, Mormon, Baptist he goes haywire. I’ve found very, very few who remember their past condition when prosperity comes”

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