Pamela Geller on FOX Business: Obama’s Birth Certificate


In case you missed my appearance on Eric Bolling's Show on FOX Business.

UPDATE: I got a copy of the full segment; if you are interested in seeing the whole thing, go here.

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13 years ago

I need to see her long form birth certificate to prove otherwise.

13 years ago

You are great Pam, keep going!

john jay
john jay
13 years ago

john jay
milton freewater, oregon usa

13 years ago

Yeah and we need to see your “Certificate of Live Birth”…what the hell are you, the afterbirth that could..Idiot!

Frank Royce
Frank Royce
13 years ago

You are embarrassing yourself, Pamela.

john jay
john jay
13 years ago

money quote. “and he didn’t realize it either.”
his family never “knew,” and neither did he.
john jay
milton freewater, oregon usa
p.s. more t.v. you belong there.

13 years ago

I dont blame Obama not wanting to show Birth Certificate Information that both parents was not working Good thing the laws bat then are not like they are now possible father of baby 24-25 Mpther of child may have been 17 Todays laws would have certain names for adults that have sex with children Obama being half white is a disgrace to all Americans He is one of the biggest racist half white half black in the United States The USA will be so much better if this half white person would resign and go back to his native land This half white person has not been good for USA

John K
John K
13 years ago

Judging by techguy’s previous explanations, Hawaii prints birth certificates from their database on security paper, so that would explain the security border outside of the print region.
What seems odd is that the certificate is not a database printout, but rather a photocopy from a book. I know you have examined birth certificates from other Hawaiians who are contemporary to Obama. Have you seen anything like this before? I don’t think so.
It’s almost like Obama sent Hawaii a scan and asked Hawaii to print it for him.

13 years ago

Good point about the passport for his Pakistan trip. I forgot about that.
If I had the time and money Obama has spent to put this off, I’m sure I could make a better forgery.
I’m disappointed. All the to do about this and nothing remarkable is remarkable by itself. It would be far more credible if something at least slightly embarrassing were found. A different father’s name might do it or at least a different birth date than we have been told.

13 years ago

Whether the Birth Certificate is genuine or not, Obama still doesn’t act or think like an AMERICAN.

13 years ago


13 years ago

This is just an abstract, even says so!
An original LFBC says “true and complete original”!!
And it has no seal.

13 years ago

The Nordyke twins’ LFBC has a seal and says true and complete copy of original with signature by state registrar
an abstract can be an artistic interpretation!

13 years ago

amen. pamela, more television. you were just great!

13 years ago

girl, you were rolling!!! @3:25 and then the out-of-the-park quote: he’s the president he answers to US. thank you!!!!!

13 years ago

you just wish you could grow some cojones.

13 years ago

Yes, we luv huh!!! Pamela fights for our FREEDOM day and night.

Bella Bauhaus
Bella Bauhaus
13 years ago

does anyone know enough about adobe and OCR issues to say whether the layers should be there or not?

Bella Bauhaus
Bella Bauhaus
13 years ago

apparently, it’s a layered photoshop image and not a document with OCR issues / problems, and is therefore FRAUDULENT:

Mike in San Diego
Mike in San Diego
13 years ago

Nice job Pamela, keep up the good work!

13 years ago

LMAO at how the 0bots are going ballistic because their fearless leader can’t produce a long form BC with an official embossed state seal. I guess no official in Hawaii is willing to risk aiding and abetting the comission of a Federal felony by attaching a Hawaii state seal to a forged document. Looks like the mention of impeachment and high treason has got more people than just 0bama worried.

13 years ago

Where is his Selective Service registration ? Or didn’t the law demand that for college when he was eighteen ? I don’t recall when that was placed into Law.

13 years ago

Wow Pamella, That’ll preach…. You are making the worms squirm ..a couple of them right on your good blog here..squirmey barney and squirmey roycee

13 years ago

Is it not an embarrassment that his father committed statuary rape?!
Not to mention what an embarrassment his political career has been…

13 years ago

I do! A PDF can have layers now too. but a simple scan should not!

13 years ago

maybe borrow some…

13 years ago

He’s hiding many things and his transparent presidency is just that. A lie. I still believe he’s a muslim hiding behind a Christian front. He IS a socialist marxist and besides that being obvious, his university class reports etc. point that out. Another reason not to disclose his school information.

13 years ago

Firing squad or noose for treason doesn’t sound too appealing.

13 years ago

One thing I am confused about is if his real name is Barry Saetoro, why does the birth cirtificate say Barack Obama? Also Trump said that his first book was not written by Obama. I recall reading something here about an event described in the book happened not in the life of Obama but in the life of Airhead Airs.

13 years ago

(video) Obama lies on His Birth Certificate [HQ] by “Debate TV”
“Obama was selected, not Elected” – Farrakan

Tom TB
Tom TB
13 years ago

Where did B.H.O. live in N.Y.C. when he attended Columbia? My surname is almost as unusual as his, yet I’ve left a paper trail in the city of my birth that a cub reporter could follow on their first day on the job. There are things simply not wrapped right about this guy; and yes Pamela, HE WORKS FOR US, and I won’t let my siblings who ignorantly voted for him forget it!

Bruce O'H.
Bruce O'H.
13 years ago

Thank you, Pamela. You are one of our prominent voices.

Pam Rabid Dog Gellar
Pam Rabid Dog Gellar
13 years ago

Crazy beeotch

Nat's daughter
Nat's daughter
13 years ago

What about his various SS#’s??? He is truly a mystery but the left are too delusional to question anything about their phony messiah. Great job Pamela! Hey, I heard Allen West on Hannity last night mention a possibilty that he’d be Trumps VP. Apparently they’ve spoken about this. THAT would be amazing!!!

dee dee
dee dee
13 years ago

Woootttt! Pamela Rocks!
So many great points made quickly for tv!
I know an O-oid and I asked him could we take just any
document and scan it and play with it in pdf format, to
see what we get.
The answer was not if its going to be used to–
unfinished–I took it to mean he does not really want
to know truth.

Laurie from Bartlett
Laurie from Bartlett
13 years ago

“Who is this man” fit SOOO MUCH into that soundbite!!! Great job Pamela! We love you, our warrior!!!! Trump has moved onto the college transcript…yipee!

13 years ago

Yeah, everyone else goes to the counter, plops down ten bucks, fills out the required ID etc. and comes back in a day to retrieve the real McCoy not this pdf creation. Obama has been in HI how many times with this prime requirement unsated? He didn’t have the ten spot or what? Instead he calls up Abercrombie, his man of faith, and asks a favor. Note that even Abercrombie couldn’t find the original birth certificate issued and only referred to records on file indicating his birth. Then POOF ! a document is GENERATED containing the information one would expect on an original but no original yet surfaces. Keep in mind this important forensic clue, the real document was used in the Obama/ Dunham divorce. It is the missing page from the publicly released decree that show artifacts made by the court. The Dunhams atty and the court have this document on file. Rest assured the state of HI knew this too. Where are those documents now?
Then there is this remark by Obama to Oprah Winfry on her show. When a person states they remember their own birth, polite people say what Oprah said. It is not her place to state the obvious. We the People expect the rule of law to settle this and in front of a jury with all evidence open to examination. Less than that we may as well all be entitled to recall our births, college degrees and save all that money wasted in producing, filing and preserving documents the old fashioned way.
“When it first came up, were you thinking, ‘I hope I was born here?’ ” Winfrey asked.
“Can I just say I was there, so I knew,” Obama replied. “I knew I had been born. I remembered it.”
“Of course you did,” Winfrey said.

13 years ago

Check out this website. It has been updated to include the latest birth certificate but if you scroll down far enough it shows a Kenyan birth certificate and birth registration. Interesting to say the least.

Tawny Jones
Tawny Jones
13 years ago

Pamela Geller is bold & beautiful, daring & dominant. We want to see more of her on national TV.

13 years ago

As government employees (what we all seem to have become in the Age of Obama) you have no right to know the qualifications of that affirmative action guy “they” hired to be your boss. Your Kool-Aid, now symbolically multiflavored, is waiting for you. Drink up.

13 years ago

Also, Obama is either still a Muslim or he is an apostate. It has to be one of the two. Daniel Pipes explains why in this article on his website:

13 years ago

When Obama announced the release of his birth certificate yesterday he said that the Birther movement “bemused him.” Bemused him? More like it AMUSED him. Whereas most grownups in his place would have put an end to the “silliness” of Birtherism by quickly releasing solid proof of his US birthplace Obama instead encouraged it while childishly delighting in it. In the spirit of bipartisanship and empathy he allowed the Birther movement to grow and flourish for thirty months for the amusement and pleasure of seeing right wingers grope around in error. Indeed, this was on the same high plane as inviting Paul Ryan and the GOP to a speech on deficit reduction only to humiliate them. It is that disgusting……
Click my name to read the rest of this piece.

13 years ago

Not only is Pam NOT embarrassing herself, she’s doing an absolutely heroic public service. She spelled out what I believe is the single most important aspect of the Obama years, which span both his time as a candidate and then as President: “THE MEDIA PROTECTS THIS MAN.”
It’s downright INFURIATING to watch the media in action with respect to Obama, Trump and the “birther” controversy. When Trump exited his helicopter and spoke to the press yesterday, one reporter after another interrogated him and tried to discredit him. They went right for his jugular. In those few minutes, he received a media grilling the likes of which Obama has not seen in all the years he’s been in the public eye.
The smug little guttersnipes on MSNBC and CNN can’t help themselves from mocking Trump and his quest for truth but it never occurs to them that it’s THEIR DAMN JOB to speak truth to power! THEY should be asking questions about Obama’s hidden records (ALL of them), not making excuses on his behalf! By covering for their man in the White House, they have forfeited their traditional role as a watchdog–a vital role in a free country–to private citizens like Pam Geller and Trump.
Members of the media have utterly DISGRACED themselves. THEY are the joke, not Donald Trump. But it’s not really a joke, it’s very serious. The mainstream media of a free country now resemble the state-run media of an autocracy. So, Frank Royce, it’s the media which has embarrassed and shamed itself, not Pam Geller. Open your &*%$! eyes.

13 years ago

Not only is Pam NOT embarrassing herself, she’s doing an absolutely heroic
public service. She spelled out what I believe is the single most important
aspect of the Obama years, which span both his time as a candidate and then
It’s downright INFURIATING to watch the media in action with respect to Obama,
Trump and the “birther” controversy. When Trump exited his helicopter and spoke
to the press yesterday, one reporter after another interrogated him and tried
to discredit him. They went right for his jugular. In those few minutes, he
received a media grilling the likes of which Obama has not seen in all the years
he’s been in the public eye.
The smug little guttersnipes on MSNBC and CNN can’t help themselves from mocking
Trump and his quest for truth but it never occurs to them that it’s THEIR DAMN JOB
to speak truth to power! THEY should be asking questions about Obama’s hidden
records (ALL of them), not making excuses on his behalf! By covering for their man
in the White House, they have forfeited their traditional role as a watchdog–a vital
role in a free country–to private citizens like Pam Geller and Trump.
Members of the media have utterly DISGRACED themselves. THEY are the joke, not
Donald Trump. But it’s not really a joke, it’s very serious. The mainstream media
of a free country now resemble the state-run media of an autocracy. So, Frank Royce,
it’s the media which has embarrassed and shamed itself, not Pam Geller.
Open your &*%$! eyes.

13 years ago

Barney…She has one I’m sure. The real question is DOES OBAMA have a real BC, plus he has spent tons of money hiding other information, we have a right to know just WHO this man is.
We know people by not what they SAY.. BUT by what they do ………Like Louis F said…Quote: Who the hell do you think you are Obama. The truth will come out, in the long run, always does.

13 years ago

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to become President of the United States of America without meeting all the constitutional requirements.

13 years ago

I agree. I’ve been saying for months that a Trump/West ticket is the only way
to defeat Obama, who would appear weak and intimidated when compared to either man.
Both Trump and West have enormous charisma; Trump’s strength is finance and West’s
is military matters; and Trump will need a black running mate to thwart any attempts
by his opponents to play the race card. And play it they will, considering Trump’s
role in the “birther” controversy. Whoopi Goldberg is an example; just yesterday she
bluntly said she’s “playing the damn card”. And a black preacher told Bill O’Reilly
yesterday that Trump’s reference to Obama spending too much time on a basketball court
was racist too. Do you believe this crap? It’s well known that Obama plays basketball
and golf and enjoys many leisure activities and vacations. But now it’s RACIST to point
it out!
In the face of what’s sure to be an onslaught of race-card attacks, Trump will absolutely
need a strong, charismatic, African American patriot as his right hand man. That man is West.
Trump/West 2012!

13 years ago

What’s the deal with the “Local Registrar” signature on Obama’s LFBC being different from the Nordyke twins who were born in the same hospital only a day later?

smarter than anybody here
smarter than anybody here
13 years ago

If you think he was born somewhere else, why don’t you narrow it down to the one or two possibilities and search for a birth certificate from there? Just an idea. Trump could afford to do that.

13 years ago

He was adopted by his mother’s second husband in Indonesia after she remarried. His school records there show his name as Barry Soetoro and list his religion as muslim. Those are the only records he forgot to hide. When was his name changed to 0bama again? Where is his Indonesian passport?
Also none of this explains why his grandmother in Kenya says she was there when he was born.

Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!