FDI/SIOA Announces Worldwide Protest of Racism Hatefest Durban III Set for NYC, Sept 2011


If this genocidal, bloodthirsty hatefest comes to New York City the same month as the tenth anniversary of 911, the worst Islamic attacks in our nation's history, we will be there to stop them. SIOA, along with our groups American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI)TM, Freedom Defense Initiative (FDI)TM, European Freedom Defense Initiative, European Freedom Initiative, Global Freedom Initiative, Israel Freedom Initiative, SIOE, SIAD, SIO Poland, SIO Romania, SIO Bulgaria, SIO France, SIO Sweden, SIO Norway et al, call upon everyone to join us and march against this century's nazism.

Start planning to be there now. Manhattan, September 2011. If Hitler's successors intend to descend upon NY, the capital of the world, like locusts, we will purge them.

Obama must take strong line against grotesque UN Israel-bashing set for New York NY Daily News (hat tip Armaros)

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The thugs, tyrants and anti-Semites who dominate the United Nations Human Rights Council have set their sights on staging a grotesque festival in the city the same month as the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Clearly, they intend to stick it in America's eye. They must be stopped. Failing that, they must be shunned.

Planning is well underway for yet another vile Durban conference, so named because the council held the first of these conclaves in that South African city in 2001, days before the terrorist attack. Billed as a forum for battling racism, the event became a platform for railing against the U.S., the Western world in general and Israel in particular.

Then-Secretary of State Colin Powell ordered his delegation to come home, and representatives of Jewish groups were forced to leave under police guard to ensure their safety. All references to anti-Semitism were deleted from a final conference declaration that equated Zionism, or Jewish self-determination, with racism.

Also missing from the declaration was the slightest rebuke of intolerance or oppression in China, North Korea, Libya, Iran, Syria or Saudi Arabia. Countries not named "Israel" could enslave minorities, sexually mutilate women and trample on human rights of every kind without so much as an eyebrow-raising at Durban I.

The council staged Durban II in 2009, the agenda being to update all the wonderful progress it had made in eliminating racism. Once more, the conference accused Israel of racism for simply existing and singled out the Jewish state by name – making it the only country so targeted.

Belatedly, President Obama ordered a U.S. boycott, joining Australia, Canada, Italy, Germany and others that had smartly refused to give the conference the benefit of the doubt. Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad became the main event. He denied the Holocaust and proposed the genocidal destruction of Israel.

Now the council has determined to hold Durban III at the UN during next year's plenary session of the General Assembly, which will bring scores of heads of state to New York. Just as Americans have joined to solemnly remember the atrocity of a decade past, and no place more fervently than New York, Durban III participants will be rising to complain about a supposed global "escalation of Islamophobia."

Lol! It ain't islamophobia. It's islamorealism. The Islamic supremacists are suffering from acute candorphobia.

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Infidel Task Force
Infidel Task Force
13 years ago

Excuse me…did someone mean to type September 2011?

Linda Garner
Linda Garner
13 years ago

@InfidelTaskForce…I sure hope so or we surely missed the boat!

13 years ago


13 years ago

Just wondering Pamela, in mentioning FDI – I’m quite puzzled that we see no coverage of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, who spoke at FDI back in February and is now facing actual charges in court (follow link for details). It’s great what you have done so far for her, and it would be great to give her even more coverage now that things have come to a head.

13 years ago

This upcoming event needs to be publicized much, much more. Loudly and often and everywhere. Keep it alive in everyone’s consciousness.
If the Durban-inspired bigots plan on swarming the scene like “locusts” (an apt comparison), they must be greeted by even GREATER number of people who oppose them.
It was one thing for a hatefest in South Africa to be staged largely unopposed. But a hatefest in New York is a very different matter. It would be relatively easy for a large contingent to gather and oppose the haters. It would help if a galvanizing personality like Beck were involved. Hundreds of thousands would gather, and send a very clear message to all the haters around the world:

13 years ago

I plan on being there.
BTW, in a post yesterday Pamela mentioned something about a pro-freedom/anti-jihad DC confab early in 2011. Could you mention more about this please.

Auntie Izlam
Auntie Izlam
13 years ago

Agreed, this woman is not receiving near the amount of coverage she deserves, especially on some counter-jihad sites. I wonder why.

Auntie Izlam
Auntie Izlam
13 years ago

The anointed one clearly does not support Israel, so don’t expect any help from him . He seems to only support muslim countries.

13 years ago

2011 will be an election year for Obama.
I would be surprised if he d let this happen in NY.
Though there isn’t much he can do, the gov’t still can deny visas, lend support to protest etc…
The UN also will think twice before delegitimizing itself in their own HQ.
But who knows….I am not holding my breath.

Zilla of the Resistance
Zilla of the Resistance
13 years ago

“It ain’t islamophobia. It’s islamorealism. The Islamic supremacists are suffering from acute candorphobia.”
Brilliant & so very true! But We the People have the cure for candorphobia, when we rise up together with a fresh hot dose of islamorealism!
Which brings me to my latest blog post – because us regular folks cannot afford to wait any longer to save ourselves and our civilization:
Please feel free to check it out & let me know what you think.

13 years ago

I’d be surprised if he didn’t. They support all the same things he does. So does the majority of the UN.
There is rumored to be a faint chance that the nominally more American leaders of the Democrat Left will have wrested at least functional control of the White House back from this political vandal by that time, and maybe something can be done to prevent this atrocity. But if Obummah is still on track with his dream to destroy the West, this is just a chance for him to strike another blow like Ahab at Moby Dick, for hate’s sake. It’s the 10th anniversary of 9/11/01, which was immediately preceeded by one of these Durban hate-fests. Between that and the Jihad Victory Mosque, the Obamullah will be swooning in ecstasy.

Auntie Izlam
Auntie Izlam
13 years ago

They’ve chosen Sept 2011 and New York city for a couple of reasons 1)Making their presence known during the 10 year remembrance of the Sept 11 attack 2) By having the Durban hatefest at the UN the heads of most muslim countries will be IN New York during the month of the 10 yr remembrance of the attacks so they can gloat over their victory 3) a way to ensure most of the heads of state will be forced to watch their hatefest and gloating and berating & blaming of Israel . Sly , freaking b@astards.

13 years ago

Spot on, Zilla.
There was a question raised yesterday as to whether there is too much “vitrol” being expressed about this issue. If we are veering too close to “hate”. I’ve been thinking all day about why I hate Jihadists as opposed to merely opposing and despising them as I did Soviet Marxists back in the days of the Cold War. And I realized that one reason is that I spent all day thinking about it. I never once in my life spent all day thinking about the Soviet Union.
Part of the reason why I hate Islamic Jihadists is that here is a savage horde of atavistic superstitious wolves (to use Zilla’s term) descending on my country, my home, my family and friends, and me, and no matter how loudly we scream and point and sound the warning, the majority of the fools around us snore on and refuse to admit what is happening, or abuse us for our “bigotry”. Not just our fellow citizens, but our media, the politicians who are supposed to care about this country’s safety, the so-called commander-in-chief. You have the luxury to feel not much in particular about the enemy when the people in charge of dealing with the enemy are doing their job. When they are ignoring the enemy, making excuses for the enemy, giving the enemy prayer rooms in military facilities, refusing to block the enemy from infiltrating the judicial system (i.e., that idiot judge in Oklahoma), scolding you for “offending” the enemy, and generally siding with the enemy against you, then not only do you start to actively hate the enemy as part of your self-preservation response, but it starts to spill over onto, if not the ostriches, then at least the outright enablers, and there are plenty of those around.
We have to think about Islam, learn the facts about it, worry about it, try to plan how to deal with its encroachments, try to convince others to even notice it, watch our friends attacked for trying to sound the alarm, watch our own warnings fall on deaf ears, hear the “virtues” of Islam extolled, told we’re “Islamophobes”, see the atrocities by Muslims against innocents around the world ignored by the MSM and the politicians EVERY DAMN DAY. Day after day, year after year now, and it never stops, it just keeps getting worse. All the other things we could be doing with our precious time are interrupted and poisoned by this plague. But it’s not a plague. It’s not caused by fleas on rodents. It is caused by so-called human beings who refuse to think, who believe their superstitions and envy and rage give them the right to destroy our lives, and who are at the very least accomplishing that already by the torture of a thousand cuts.
You can’t hate rats. But you can hate so-called human beings who proudly and brazenly sink to the level of rats and deliberately spread plague and death, and call it the will of their god.

xavier 823
xavier 823
13 years ago

Islamorealism , that’s a great word. Very nice.

13 years ago

“Lol! It ain’t islamophobia. It’s islamorealism. The Islamic supremacists are suffering from acute candorphobia.”-Pamela
I don’t think they realize that people are beginning to laugh at “Islamophobia.” That demonstrates how out of touch they are with reality. People are facing reality re Islam, its doctrines of abrogation etc.
The Soviet leadership and Communist doctrine was the subject of mockery in the USSR and Eastern Europe in the years before the collapse of the USSR. The Soviet leadership did not recognize that they were no longer taken seriously and were ridiculed. They should not have been surprised when the people suddenly tore down the Berlin wall in 1989-but they were surprised.
It will be the same with these “Islamophobia” peddlers.

13 years ago

This is appalling, or should it be called evil?

13 years ago

Dearest people God worked miracles with the few and the smallest and the weak-maybe a little lesson to be learnt here- instead of counter protest with the visible number game-why not start with demanding ALL our foods to be WITHOUT the halaal sign? Or have a no buy of any such foods during that time? Do you all realize that on every halaal product you use you pay the muslim judicial council a bit of your money? (via a surcharge!)All the bits ads up to billions worldwide! Google this brilliant money making scheme to get money from us `infidels `! Ever spent a thought concerning that lil` sign that are actually appearing to be bigger and placed more prominent on our food packaging here in SA.! Rather wasting time and money traveling to New York, each and everyone can channel that money in awareness campaigns-We can have the clever among us to offer free down loadable info for others to use. So many of us NoGoliaths work full time and have lil to spare in this recession!
My other concern is that this Durban conference is just a way to divert attentions and spend us huffing`n puffin up the wrong tree! They will show their true colors and will feel quite deflated if they do not draw a reaction! Yes the MSM will enjoy the moment.
Maybe , lets put our thinking caps on ….and think

Zilla of the Resistance
Zilla of the Resistance
13 years ago

You’re so right, lilredbird! This is why so many on the right turned away from GW Bush, because he was too soft and refused to see the threat for what it was even with three thousand of our own dead killed on our own soil. Obama IS in league with the enemy, there is no doubt of that in my mind. If we can survive another 2 years of him (and that’s a big IF, but God willing he’ll finally be called out for his many acts of treason and be dealt with SOON), America needs to select its next leader wisely, someone like Col. Allen West who clearly understands what we’re dealing with and knows what needs to be done.
here’s a great article Doug Ross sent me that spells out what our gov’t needs to do in no uncertain terms:
In the mean time, until we have such leadership in our country, it’s up to us regular people to get out there and make ourselves heard, just like we did as TEA party people & 9/12ers.
I am in NY State’s Hudson Valley, if any of you are nearby, contact me and let’s see if we can work something out to start with. We’re stuck with the wimps in office right now, but we the people cannot afford to wait for real leadership, we need to raise the call NOW.

Cheryl Barker
Cheryl Barker
13 years ago

This is beyond disgusting. Thanks for the heads-up, Pamela. Don’t expect any protest from Mayor “Kapo Mike” Bloom-turd. He’ll likely be heading the hate-fest welcoming committee, and New Yorkers will be treated to another whining, patronizing speech about “tolerance” and how we ought to be welcoming these mutants. I’m starting to gag already. I fully expect Bloom-turd to provide heavy police protection to the mutants and threaten to have protesters and any business owners refusing service to the nazis arrested.

CS Barnett
CS Barnett
13 years ago

I have a suggestion.I think, it is important to preclude infiltration of
opposition groups of all manner to make sure those in other countries have a list of
organizations supported by Soros, Communists, Muslims and their supporters of extremists
groups, etc.They may, or may not, be familiar with them, but I am sure these former
Soviet satellite countries have Communist supporters, or Russian, or Muslim organizations
that are overt, or covert.Ten months is a long time and our opposition can do a great deal
plus they are organized and clever.NYC, of course, can refuse to issue permits.We, also,
have Cantor and Boehner now, who get it.At the least, they can pass a referendum condemning
Durbin Conferences, and what they have passed in Durbin I and II, and refuse to permit
this conference on US soil, I believe.They could hook it up with anti- Hate laws and
referendums already passed in Congress.Maybe, Andy McCarthy can ferret out the exact citations
to build a case.
There has to be a way to use this as an opportunity to highlight contrasts between Sharia and
the US Constitution and the UN support of countries that are horrific Human and Civil Rights
violators, emphasizing the treatment of women, of course.Hillary should be called out and Bill
for that matter.

13 years ago

I think it’s time we started a movement to GET THE UN OUT OF NY ! Let them move themselves to Saudi Arabia or Libya or how about Iran…..some other Muslim loving venue where they can brew their freedom hating rhetoric…….just NOT ON OUR SOIL !!! ENOUGH !!!!

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